chapter 6

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I woke up and looked down at the beautiful girl in my arms. My mate. My one and only love, the one I will spend the rest of my life with.  I breathed in her wonderful scent that smelt like berries and vanilla with a hint of jasmine.  It made me so hard that she stirred.

"Well someone's a little excited this morning." Nikki said reaching down and pumping me.  I moaned.

"Damn Nikki come on do you really want to do this right now?"

"Yeah. Kinda."

"Thats not like you though.  I mean we are in your house your parents are down the hall.  They can hear us."

"I don't care i want you and I want you now."  She growled but it wasn't of anger.  I sniffed her again and then it hit me.  The HEAT.

"Nikki.  Your in the heat this is you wolf speaking snap out of it."

"What? Nick tell me why I feel like thi! I don't like it.  I feel like some horny sleaze right now."

"It's the heat.  I She-wolf will go through it once every two weeks.  You'll be craving me but it will tone down after we have sex."

"Please just help me please."

"I can't take advantage of you Nikki."

"Nick please.  Unless you want me to jump some random dude at school today then I suggest helping me now Nick."

Okay she got me there but this felt so wrong.

'You are helping our mate.' My wolf growled at me.

'No thats taking advantage of her vulnerability.' I said beck.

"Nick please I feel like I'm gonna explode please!  I love you."

"I love you too."

"Make love to me then."



"We need to get to school." Nikki said.  She walked to her closet and I grabbed my bag that I brought with me and got ready.  Within 20 minutes we were in the car heading to school.  I walked Nikki to class because we didnt have first period together.

"See you later babe." I said and leaned in to kiss her.  She immediatly deepened the kiss.  I pushed her back into a wall and made out with her for a couple minutes then the warning bell rang and she said she had to go to class.


I stood there at my locker staring at that ho making out with my boyfriend.  I'm in the Heat now and I need sex bad.  The warning bell went off and they headed different directions.  I followed after Nick and grabbed his upper arm.  He spun aroound and looked at me.

"What's up Rachael?"  Him saying my name made me lose control.  I pushed him up against the wall.  Being a She-wolf I was slightly stronger but him being an Alpha Male made him strongest.  But I held my ground.

"I missed you." I purred in his ear nibbling on his earlobe.

"What the hell Rachael!"  He yelled at me.

"We belong together not you and that tramp.  We are mates and you know it Nick."  And i crashed my lips to his.


'I'm getting asualted by my ex Rachael some one please help she has me tied in a classroom.'  I yelled to everyone I could in my head.

'Some one can't handle a little she-wolf themself?' Damien laughed.

'Shut the fuck up bro.'  and at that moment Nikki stormed in fuming, I could litterally see steam coming off her.  Damn she's sexy when she's angry.  I got started untying myself and Frankie walked in and helped me.  I was finally free.  We stood up and watched the sceen before us.

"Get the fuck away from him."  She said loudly but calm.

"Why should I get away from my mate?"  Rachael asked.

"You really are a delussional Bitch."  Rachael walked up to Nikki and attempted to slap her but Nikki being the badass fighter she is caught Rachael's wrist and snapped it to a weird angle with the flick of her thumb.  Rachael screamed in paim.  Nikki shoved her to the ground and hovered over her.

"You listen her and listen good.  Keep you dirty slutty hand away from my mate or I swear to the Wolf spirits I will rip you limb from limb and burn them in a fire"

"Not if I get to you first.  You STOLE NICK FROM ME!!!!! YOU FUCKING BITCH!!! HOW ARE YOU GONNA TELL ME TO STAY AWAY FROM MY MATE!!?!?!?!!! YOU CAN'T JUST WALK IN HER AND SAY OHH I CLAIM NICK AS MY MATE!! NO HE IS MINE YOU WHORE MINE!!  SOO BITCH GET THE FUCK OFF ME AND -"  She got cut of by being thrown through the window.  Nikki lept to the window and jumped out.  I rushed to the window and looked down.  Thats when I noticed all my brothers were next to me now.

"HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT A FUTURE ALPHA! HOW DARE YOU COME ONTO MY MATE AND SAW HE IS YOURS!!!HOW DARE YOU FORCE YOUR FUTURE ALPHA INTO HAVING SEX WITH YOU AGAINST HIS WILL!!!!"  Nikki shouted pinning Rachael up against a tree.  "I could kill you so easily right now you know.  Do I have permission to kill this phycotic bitch Nick?"  Nikki said.  My brothers and I jumped out the window landing gently  on the grass below.

"Nick wouldn't let you kill me would you babe?"

"What the hell is wrong with you.  You crazy bitch.  You deserve to die.  Your insane and I never loved you.  I'm not your mate.  Nikki is and I love her and I would never love a phsyco bitch like you who is in denial and thinks im her mate.  Your pathetic and yes Nikki you can kill the crazy mutt.  Please do."  I said venom dripping from every word.


When he said that it crushed my heart.  I began bawling my eyes out.  My own mate hates me and rejected me.  I sent a MM to my brother, Johnathan, 'I love you Johnny.  I''m about to be killed by some bitch who stole my mate from me.  Get revenge for me please.  Love you always tell mom and dad I love them too.'

'I will avenge your death Ray I promise.  I will get both of them for hurting you.  I love you.'

"Looks like I have permission from your soon to be alpha to kill you.  Bye." I felt a jabbing pain and screamed as her hand flew into my body and retrieved with my heart in hand.  My scream echoed around the school and forest.  And I died.


Wow phsycotic bitch!!! at least she died........ I know you all were thinking oooo how is there gonna be revenge welll i thought about that and added the protective older brother so that he can do soooooooooo there you have!!! I'll update ASAP love u guys!!

VOTE, COMMENT, AND FAN ME!!!! I love my fans and thanks so much for reading.  Ad this to you library!!! :)  Until next time my readers...

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