chapter 5

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Nikki and I looked toward the door to see our History teacher, Mrs. Tannar, a tall slender but muscular she wolf, looking at us.

"And what do you think you are doing?"

"Spending time with my mate." I responded.

"Not on school grounds. Get to class or detention."

"I don't think so. Leave us alone and forget this ever happened." Nikki said. As she said it a shiver went down my spine by the force the command held. Mrs. Tannar just walked out with out another word.

"What was that?" I asked Nikki.

"A perk to being the Purple Ligthning wolf. I can erase and alter memories as well as command any one." she said with a sly smile on her face. "Now let's go to the Pac hideout. I need some alone time with my mate.." So I swept her off her feet like a bride.


We arrived at the Pac hideout and walked inside. I grabbed Nick's face and placed my lips to his, he started to move his hand to my waist and I started to unbuckle his pants and I took my hand and started to go up and down on his manhood his passionate growls turned me on as I felt him grow hard.  His hands moved up shirt and brought it over my head. We continued to undress each other disposing our clothes all over the floor as we made our way to the bed. When we reached the bed he laid down and placed me straddling his waist. I moaned with pleasure as the tingles went up my back when he slid inside of me. His movements that were slow at first began to speed up thrusting in and out of me. We moaned together as we hit the climax. I leaned down and claimed his lips with mine. He began to suck the spot on my neck where he marked me.

We lay there for a while kissing and talking, and eventually a second round.

"What do you think of kids?" Nick asked me.

"I don't want any. Yet. I want to finish High School and be married first."

"Well we are technically married. Don't you want to start a family with me?"

"No we are mated." I said with a giggle. "Yes I want to start a family with you but not until the end of High School." I told him. He sighed.

"Okay. But you promise me you will bless me with children one day?"

"I promise." I leaned down and kissed him deeply. "What time is it?"

"I don't know." He pulled his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. "6:58." My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

"Holy Shit!! We have a pack meeting to get to in two minutes." I exclaimed jumping off of him. "We gotta go." I pulled on my clothes as did he and pecked him quickly on the lips and we darted from the abandon house towards my house.

When I arrived Sami was standing outside waiting for us to arrive. "Where the hell have you two been?"

"Uh. Together." I said with a slight smile. She rolled her eyes and grabbed me by the wrist and I grabbed Nick's hand. We walked into the big confrence room and sat in the son-to-be-Alpha seats next to our parents. I smiled at my parents and waved. They waved back.

"Good evening everyone. We have gathered here this evenig to cover recent news updates. Firstly, My daughter would like to announce something to you all." My mother said. I looked at her with a look of utter confusion.

'Honey. About the mating!' She told me in my head. Oh that makes sense. I grabbed Nick as I stood up and faced everyone.

"Nick and I are mates." I said with a smile on my face. Nick looked down at me and wrapped his arms around me and the look he gave me was a look of affection. I looked up at him and smiled. There was a chourus of 'Awww' and cheers and congradulations. I giggled and took my seat once again.

"Thank you Nikki. Next we have news on the Hades clan of rogues. They are growing in number and have started attacking smaller clans. We need new security servalince and more wolves on watch. Our families are the most important thing and we must protect them." My mother continued.  "Patrols will be doubled in number for we have been warned that they plan to attack us.  I must warn you all that you should not be out at night alone or at all for that matter."  everyone murmured their agreements.  The meeting went on for a few more hours.

When the meeting ended Nick, Sami, Marco, and I went to grab some food before bed from the kitchen.  I walked Nick to the door and said good night and had a little make out session before he left.  I went up to my room and changed into pajamas.  I laid on the bed and tried to go to sleep.

I've been laying here for like two hours and I can't sleep even though I am very tired.  I groaned and shifted on the bed annoyed that I couldn't sleep.  I heard a knock on the window.  I looked toward it and smiled.  Nick was perched on the window pane smiling at me.  The bags under his eyes told me he couldn't sleep either.  I walked to the window and let him in..  The moment he was in my room and embraced me in a hug.

"I missed you." He whispered in my ear before he leaned down and kissed me.

"I missed you too.  Why are you here?"

"couldn't sleep just like you.  It's because we are mates that are separated.  We will have issues trying to sleep if we are not together."  He said as he lifted me and brought me to the bed.  We curled up together and he whispered in my ear.  "Babe. Go to sleep.  I will be here when you wake up."  And with that I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.




My Childhood Crush/Enemy is My Mate?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora