I took it off the hanger then went into the bathroom to change, passing Matthew on the way in. I took my clothes off then slipped on the dress easily. It had no zipper either so I didn't need assistance.

Then I looked at myself in the mirror.

The dress was tight. And by tight I mean really tight. I barely had a shape, but this dress made me look like I could be the missing Kardashian. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a bit but still. It was too tight for me to pull off, and there was no way I was leaving the house like this.

I cracked open the door and poked my head out to make sure Matthew was gone; I couldn't let him see me like this. Luckily, he had left the room. I hurried out, my clothes in hand, then ran back into the closet. Or tried to, as I bumped into Peyton along the way.

Peyton was wearing a similarly styled dress as mine (tight and sort of short) but hers was black in the middle and white on the sides. Plus hers didn't make her look slutty, it made her look sophisticated and put together. How she managed to pull that off I would never know.

"Oh, you look good. Now let's go, the limo's here."

My eyes widened at the word limo, then I remembered the problem at hand and cleared my head of all limo thoughts.

"I can't wear this dress, I need to find another one," I said and started towards the closet, but Peyton pulled me back.

"We have to go or we'll be late," she said. "You look great, especially since you don't even have makeup on. Grab some shoes and we'll go."

I started panicking. I did not want to leave the house like this. I could not leave the house like this. I looked at Peyton, who was giving me puppy dog eyes, and sighed.

I went back into the closet and picked back up a random pair of shoes and slipped them on. When I did, I glanced back at the dresses and ran over. If I could just change really quickly-


Dang it she must've heard me.

I walked out of the closet with my head down, and followed Peyton out of the room. As I walked down the stairs I thanked God that I had managed to pick up what was probably the shortest pair of heels Peyton owned. If only I'd had that same luck while picking a dress. How had I managed to choose this one?

"Matthew, you ready?" Peyton called from the bottom of the stairs.

He appeared in front of her, baby in hand, and when he saw her, the biggest smile appeared on his face without Peyton even noticing. Peyton might say that there was nothing going on between them, but I doubted Matthew felt the same way. Behind Matthew came Bryson, Aubrey and Sage, looking like they were heading upstairs. They stopped when they saw us.

"Where are you going?" Aubrey asked, smiling at us.

"Looking like that," Bryson said then wolf whistled. Since Peyton was halfway out the door, he was only looking at me.

"A charity," I answered ignoring Bryson. He would be the one to like this dress.

I glanced over at Sage to find him staring at me- or more like my dress- with an unreadable expression on his face. I almost looked away, then I saw him half smile.

Why? I have no idea.

"Um, Rose is in her crib. She'll probably wake up in thirty minutes and be hungry, so keep the baby monitor on you," I said, then handed it to him.

He took it without a fight, which I wasn't acustomed to. He only raised his eyebrow at it, as if he didn't know what it was, then he looked back up at me. "Have fun," he said, with his everyday voice.

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