What the fuck is he doing here?

"What are you... I, fuck... What are you doing here?" He asks with astonishment.

I'm breathing unevenly and rapidly, and my trembling hand is holding the doorknob so tightly I think it might break. No. Hell no, this is not happening. Why is he here?

"Tallulah?" He says again, taking me out of my haze.

Clearing my throat, I push my behaviour aside as much as I can as I say, "Hi."

He doesn't even smile at my forced one. "Do you know them?"

"Yes," I breathe out with a frown. "I do."

"Shit," he curses as realisation hits him. "Are you... Are you their relative?"

I almost scoff at his words, though I only blink and say quietly, "I'm Peter's daughter."

Confusion hits him this time, and his eyebrows furrow together as he says, "What? No, Peter only has Joelle and Jane as his daughters."

Before I can answer, Kiara appears on my side and seems surprised at seeing Louis, though she quickly recovers and extends her hand out to shake his. "How are you, Louis?" She asks.

"I'm good." He gives her a tight smile.

She looks between the two of us before saying sympathetically, "You two have some explanation to do, so I'll leave you to it."

"Wait, what explanation?" He questions quickly. "Is it true? Tallulah is Peter's daughter?"

Kiara smiles softly as she says, "Remember the 'unborn new—born' one?"

I look confusedly as Louis's eyes widens. "H-how... how is that possible?"

Kiara sighs, "I'll leave now."

As soon as she is out of sight, I turn to Louis and step out of the house, closing the door behind me as he sits down on the chair and runs a hand over his face. He does nothing but stare at me, looking surprised, confused and angry all at the same time.

"Louis... I..." I begin to say, trying and failing to find the right words.

"Who are you?" He slowly asks, words coming out poisonous.

That one simple question does wonders to shatter me into pieces—internally and externally. My heart stops beating for a moment as it falls to my feet, as if it's too heavy to be held up. A lump in my throat appears out of nowhere and I find my eyes brimming with tears.

I lift one shoulder up weakly as a tear rolls down my cheek. "I don't know."

My voice is tight and hoarse when it comes out. I sound broken, weak, fragile and small. But it doesn't surprise me, I feel the same way, too.

"Tell me," He orders gently. "Tell me who are you."

I swallow harshly. "I'm the one who have always loved you, I—"

"Cut the bullshit, Tallulah," He spits out. "Why didn't you tell me that Peter is your father?"

"Because I didn't know," I blurt out. "I didn't know that he is my father until recently."


"There are too many things that I should tell you," I say as the tears flood down my cheeks. "And I'm sorry for keeping them away from you, but I couldn't bare losing you."

He takes a deep, shaky breath. "Tallulah, what is going on?"

"I'm not human." I simply say.

"What?" He says again, looking dumbfound.

"I'm not human," I repeat bravely, wiping away my tears. "I'm a sorcerer."

He scoffs and laughs bitterly. "Are you drunk? Are you listening to yourself?"

I remain emotionless. "I didn't expect you to believe, but I'm not lying. I'm a sorcerer and I live in a small village in the middle of the forest that you all seem to understand is abandoned. I have loved you two years ago and I still do."

When he sees that I'm serious about this, and that I'm not kidding or lying, he keeps looking up at me in astonishment, with his lips apart.

I hold my wrist up to him. "Have you ever questioned that date and what does it mean to me? That was the first time I saw you."

When he doesn't answer, I continue, "Have you ever asked yourself why do I always sit in front of that tree? The only tree that has a perfect view to your parlour? Have you ever thought why do I never let you walk me to my home? Did the fact that I have never tried needles or rode a bike cross your mind? Don't you find it weird that I always come to you in the middle of the night?" My lips are trembling and my throat is burning as the tears fall down my cheek. "Don't you ever question these things?"

"You are..." He trails off, standing up. "You're like Artair?"

It surprises me that he knows about Sir Artair, then I remember that Liam must have told him. "He is my house Sir," I say.

"The Air House." He answers with a look of realisation. "I remember now, he and Liam told me."

"I only sat at that tree to see you," I say, making his eyes snap up to mine in surprise. "Two years ago you have captivated my heart and my soul with just one look in your direction. I have broken millions of rules for you, to see you and to talk to you."

"What are you talking about?" He whispers.

"I noticed you before you noticed me," I laugh lightly through the tears. "I have loved you when you didn't know me, and I love you when I'm telling you who I am. I kept it a secret because I didn't want to lose you, I didn't want you to let go of me, not when I finally picked up the courage and spoke to you."

He looks stunned. Like something stopped inside his body and now he can't move or speak or do anything. I don't blame him though, I'm stunned that everything is happening now and in this way.

"I have put myself in danger for you, and I did everything for you. But I'm not blaming you for anything, because I chose this. I chose to love you and I chose to be happy with you," I sniff, looking away from him. "My mother was in love with Peter—a human—and she gave birth to me. I'm Peter's child, and I only knew that a few weeks ago."

"This is not happening." He blinks.

I don't stop. "We are banned from talking or communicating with humans in any way, and when my grandmother knew about my mother's pregnancy, she decided to marry her to Aengus—whom I believed was my true father these whole years," I explain lowly. "It was my first day of training at the Air House that I discovered. I'm a sorcerer with no powers because a human helped in making me."

I take a deep breath before continuing, "I didn't know that things between us will develop, but I couldn't stop it when it did. I'm aware of my horrible mistake in not telling you, but I was not ready to tell you, I was not ready to face your departure."

"I hope you are, now."

My heart sinks as I say, "What?"

"I'm leaving," He says coldly, "Because I don't know what to say or how to think, so I'm leaving."

"But you will call me again, right?" I ask, voice breaking in a quiet sob.

"I don't know." He answers before he leaves, leaving me with my heart between his hands.

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