Chapter 11

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Thank you all in advance for reading because it means the ABSOLUTE WORLD  to me! I will be writing another Destiel fic after this one so keep your eyes peeled! 

Dedicated to Beth for three reasons:

1. She is awesome and amazing.

2. We still need to watch the first Star Trek.

3. She worte a character who hate's Simon Cowell in a 1D fanfiction which I am eternally grateful for!


Castiel walked the abandoned halls of prison. Heaven refused to talk about this building but Cas knew it too well. All those times he had spent in the holding cells because he rebelled had been worth it because he had met Dean. Heaven was so certain these were secure they didn’t even put guards at the doors. A stupid decision made by a council full of over-confident snobs but it did come in handy when you were escaping as Cas was now.

He carefully opened the door and walked outside. He remembered why he left this horrible place. Heaven in a civil war is worse than hell. He found himself stepping over bodies of his brothers and sisters. The ground was black from charred wing marks. Cas’ heart rate increased and he felt heat rise in his cheeks. He felt hate for the angels. Hate for the angels had done this and hate for God for not helping.

“Why would you let something like this happen?!” Cas shouted at thin air hoping maybe God would appear and make it all better. He felt dizzy at the sights in front of him. Heaven could really learn a lesson from Dean Winchester as Cas had done. If everyone was like Dean maybe this wouldn’t happen.


Cas turned around at the voice.


“What are you doing here Cas?”

“I could ask the same for you! You rebelled. How did you get back here without getting murdered?”

“I- I made a promise.”

“What kind of promise would make them let you back in?”

Cas noticed the angel blade fall into Anna’s hand.

“I promised to kill you.”

Of course” Cas thought. “Kill the most rebellious angel in heaven. That would prove enough.”

“Ok Anna. You don’t have to do this. Why would you want to come back here? Look around you! If you are a loyal servant of heaven this is what happens!” Cas gestured to the bodies surrounding their feet.

“It’s better than running your whole life. Every second of my time I am scared I’m going to be attacked. I can’t do that any longer.”

Cas sighed. Anna advanced on him and he stepped back.

He picked up an angel blade from the hands of one of the angels at his feet.

“I hope you don’t mind if I borrow this.” Cas muttered as he turned to face Anna again.

She lunged at him. He swiftly ducked and knocked the angel blade out of her hands with his own. Cas felt her fist connect with his jaw and was momentarily disorientated. He felt her foot in his stomach and he fell to the ground. He looked around for another angel blade but when he reached for one Anna pinned his arm down with her foot.

I guess you gave me hope (Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now