Chapter 9

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SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!! I have been on holiday and all my files were on my laptop which I didn't have with me. 

This is quite a short chapter but the next chapter will have lots of drama and feels and action to make up for it.

THANK YOU IF YOU ARE READING THIS! I reached 1.3K reads and I am OVER THE MOON! I love you all and I hope you all get free cookies or something :)

This chapter is Dedicated to Emily because she threatened to break into my house If I didn't update so you should probably thank her.


Cas was sitting on a bench in the park. He came here often to think when things got too much and right now things were definitely too much. Cas sat glumly on the edge of the bench with tears slowly dripping down his cheeks.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Show yourself.”

Cas looked around as he heard a familiar sound of wings behind him.


“Hello Castiel.”

“You can’t do this to me Michael”

“We can’t lose an angel. There is a civil war in heaven and you are giving up your grace for a stupid mortal?!”

Cas sprung up and within seconds he was inches away from the archangel and he grabbed Michael by the collar.

“Do not, EVER, call him stupid. He is better than you and I am proud to fall for him.”

Cas saw a flash of fear in Michael’s eyes. It was gone in a second but it satisfied Cas.

“I will not come back to heaven with you.”

Disgusted, Cas put down Michael and started to walk away.

“You are making a terrible choice.”

“In the words of a good friend, bite me.”

Castiel kept walking.

“You will come back, even if it is not by your own choice.”

Cas spun around but Michael was gone.

“WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? COME BACK YOU ASS!” But Cas was shouting at thin air. How far would Michael go to get him back to heaven? Could he really keep him apart from Dean? No. He would not let that happen.

Cas found himself running back to Dean’s flat.

“Dean!” Cas wiped the angry tears from his face and unlocked the door to his boyfriend’s flat with shaking hands.

“Dean!” Cas frantically ran into the living room.

“Woah! Easy tiger.” Cas crashed into Dean’s chest and Dean wrapped his arms around the shaking angel. Dean stepped back from Cas and raised an eyebrow.

“Care to tell me who has made you upset so I can go and kick their ass?”

“You might not do too well in that fight.” Cas stifled a laugh but looked at the floor.

“Really? Who would beat me in a fight?” Dean flexed his muscles in an attempt to make Cas laugh but Cas just looked him in the eyes.

“The archangel Michael” Dean’s arm fell to his side and his face dropped.

“Wait like angry Michael sword Michael? THAT Michael?”

“Yes Dean, THAT Michael.” Cas rolled his eyes but kept his gaze firmly on the wooden floor around his feet.

“But what... what does he want?” Dean was stuttering at the thought of Michael the Archangel being on their heels.

“He wants me to come back to heaven to fight and get my grace back.”


“I would never be able to see you again.”


“I declined don’t worry.” Cas quickly added “but he told me he would force me to return and I don’t know to what extents he will go.”

Dean sunk into the sofa. “Well you are staying here for a few weeks at least.”

“Dean I can take care of myself...” Cas looked up at Dean and saw the look of worry on his face, “but ok then.” Dean let out a sigh of relief. Cas let out a yawn and stood up.

“Today has been a bit tiring so I’m going to...bed.” Cas’ last word trails off as he yawns again. Dean laughs and helps Cas to the bedroom. Cas falls down on Dean’s double bed still in his trench coat and shoes.

“Cas buddy you have to take off your clothes... I-I mean-“ Dean was cut off in his stuttering by a tired groan from Cas.

“All right Mr. Comatose, we will do this the hard way.”

Dean started taking Cas’ shoes off and Cas groaned again.

“Well you could help Cas!” Dean laughed as Cas tried to take off his coat without actually sitting up or really moving his arms at all.

“Can’t do it.” Cas looked at Dean with his best puppy eyes. Dean sighed and started taking off the different layers Cas was wearing. After about ten minutes Cas was wearing one of Dean’s grey t-shirts and his boxers and that was good enough for Dean. He pulled the duvets up over Cas’ sleeping body and crawled into bed next to him. Dean placed a kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead and pushed some hair out of Cas’ face.

“Dean I am trying to sleep.” Cas groaned and half-heartedly tried to move Dean’s hand by blowing on it. Dean laughed and turned to face the wall.

“Love you Cassie.” Dean waited for Cas’ response.

Dean rolled his eyes and turned back to face Cas.

“Caaas I said-“ Dean froze.

“CAS!” Dean frantically grabbed the sheets where Cas was lying just a second ago but the angel was nowhere to be seen. Dean hung his head as the realisation hit him. 

Cas was back in heaven and he was in deep trouble. 



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