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Kristoff's Pov

Hime .. That girl even forgot how she love anime before i cause her to suffer a lot she lost her fun hobbies and start growing up as a cold person to me or maybe i did it to herself

" You know what Toff im tired can we drink a pineapple juice on your house its near than mine "

She's breathing so hard after we role play she's wearing a fairy like small gown that fits on her small cute body .. I bend my right knee and offer my hand

" As you wish Hime ! "

I smile at her she just giggle softly and move her hands to mine

" Yeah that's right as my Suitor you should act nice towards me "

I grabbed her hand and take her to my house i quickly open the fridge and pour it on the glass

I pull the chair for her and totally treat her like a princess she keeps on smiling at me that making me blush so much

" Uhm Toff am I still your princess even though were already old ? "

She looks at the ground I can feel the uneasy tune she sent towards her voice saying those words

" Well.. you can't be my princess forever "

She looks up on me with her cute pouty lips that left me shock and freeze at the moment I couldn't continue the next words I will say to her

She bow her head again this time she's sipping on the straw connected to her juice, her hazel brown eyes are glowing with fluids she's holding on maybe I let her feel awkward by me pausing at the moment .. part of my head is panicking I won't let her cry because of my stupidity

I bow my head as well and play with my hands

" well you can't be my princess forever cause someday maybe if you agree YOU WILL BECAME MY QUEEN "

She looks up on me with a confuse face and with a teary eyes

"Huh ?"

I left her dumfounded I guess

" Just kidding I'm just saying you know its your choice if u want to be my princess forever "

I blush and feel like I'm going to faint well she didn't get what I just said earlier and now she's repeating it to me and keep on asking of what the hell did I just mean

" queen is for adults only right ? "

She keeps on asking me with her adorable innocent voice

" well you said when we get old so I just thought ...."

She raise her eyebrow and cross her arms I look away from her cause seems like she finally gets it

" You will marry me ? "

She asked together with her cute puppy eyes staring at me piercing through my heart

" uhhh yeah maybe .. "

I bow down my head this situation is quite embarrassing she starts giggling that makes everything that's in my stomach gets worse

" that's so cute hope we will "

She smile at me

" Stupid what are u saying were too young "

I look at her with an annoyed face she crossed her arms

" you're the stupid one here I just ask whether I'm going to be ur princess forever or not and then u keep on talking such nonsense "

I laugh out from nowhere she looks kinda cute with that old woman attitude that didn't match her cuteness

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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