Chapter three - A grand castle for a grand king

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We had arrived at the castle in good time and gained entrance. The staff had welcomed us with warm smiles and faces however; they were surprised as to how little had taken with but then I had little to take expect for Antonelli. They exclaimed that I could tour the castle wherever I pleased as there was no leader there were no rules to be kept in the castle till someone signed up for it. They were still elated we had made it and had not been taken by the mist on our journey to the castle. However; all changed that day when the elders saw my face and ushered me to the chapel room to explain everything.

"Anna, we must explain something to you. Also the reason your first in line for the throne" The elders sat on the pew in their dress of robes and head dress.

"Explain what? You do realise I'm just a traveller right and I'm only hanging around because of the mist." I retorted despite the fact there were many more reasons I had stayed in the area.

"The prophecy had said in the scrolls that it was to be a woman not from here to clear the mist. But must be a descendant of the mists creator" The elders explained in ushered voices as they gathered closer.

"What, I'm not the woman you speak of in the prophecy!" I then retorted quickly in full disbelief and had thought that they had made a mistake.

"Don't think so rash dear, let us explain please" The elders spoke.

"Come with us to the tower" They then requested with their pleading eyes as if it was of the up most importance.

I then followed them to the tower. No one had ever been there not even the King himself so it must have been important. However; the tower was a dangerous place as it was un managed as there were claims that it had guardians to protect the tower but no one had ever seen them so we never believed them. One person who did never came back and it was thought that the guardians of the tower had a deep underground dungeon which was unbeatable and formidable. But that would have to wait till night fall as it was time for celebrations for the success of gathering the islanders they could and including me as well. There was also another rumour that was to be laid to rest also which we were all curious about.

We returned to the dining hall where a buffet had been laid out as a grand feast with all sorts of meals including the master piece of the set. It was a hog that bared the head of a goose it was clever then some had views that differed where as the children were curious.

"Why does the hog have a gooses head!?" One child squealed with excitement at this simple curiosity.

"My dear, why don't you go and play with the other children?" One of the maids suggested encouraging her to go towards the children who were playing a game of Tag in the main hall.

"Anna, I presume everything is well despite everything that has happened so far?" The maid asked shyly as she had seen me go with the Elders to the church tower.

"Yes, yes all is well" I lied through my teeth with my eyes facing the floor. It was hard for me to with hold this secret. I wanted Cassy to know so badly but I knew I mustn't.

It was only after dinner we had to ensure the children went to bed and the adults were being amused and the maids and butlers were out of the way. It only seemed that we had to make a distraction so we could slip away to the tower to find out what on earth the elders were on about. Curious like a cat I suppose but then curiosity also killed the cat too, I didn't have nine lives like a cat did, however; it only seemed fair to hear and see what their thoughts were. The only problem was that we had no back up plan for not being able to get away from the crowd. They all seemed to want to know how I became the last last lady in waiting. Then I had a brilliant idea. The elders saw my eye light up and then they realised I had a plan but didn't know what it was yet until it happened. It was such a simple one I don't understand how I didn't think if it earlier. Fainting. Well fake fainting. Simple but very effective. The elders cured that sort of thing and they were close by too so the timing could not have been better. I put my plan into action.

"I think I'm going to faint!" I announced with a fast heavy breathed words. I then pretended to pass out directly onto the floor. It had worked which was perfect. The elders had rushed over from the few meters they stood.

The plan had worked splendidly for no one questioned the elders as they were the ones who had to care for the ladies in waiting, well now just me, they had no clue of the plan. It seemed that it helped that the villagers never questioned the elders not like how I did anyway. Maybe that was why they assumed I was worthy and why the King had wanted me to his only wife. Perhaps I was the one they spoke of in the prophecy in the scrolls. Though I had a hard time believing them as I was not what they called white. In fact one child asked me why my skin was different to everybody else's. I didn't take it as an insult just a curious child. They all knew I was related to the island but before the new settlers came in of course. Life was more simple then.

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