Aria just stands there noticing the formal Queen was uncomfortable. Aria knew Amelia had seen and probably heard everything Helen and she said but she didn’t care. She and Amelia was no more.

“Helen.” Annabelle calls breaking the tension in the room. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Helen grins and walks around the table to kiss the little girl on the forehead. “Finish your breakfast.”

Annabelle smiles now knowing her Auntie was okay. “I love you Helen.” She says with innocence and continues to eat her oatmeal she comes to love because her mommy eats it all the time. Helen grins and replies, “Love you too sweetie.”

Amelia bites her bottom lip and leans on the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. She takes in the three and knew she didn’t belong anymore.

“I have to make some calls.” Amelia says. “Enjoy your breakfast.”

Aria watches her leave. She tries not to feel bad because her mind was telling her that Amelia deserved it. That it was her stupid decision that put her in this position.

Helen glances at Aria and knew falling in love with the human was suicide. No matter how hard Aria tried to hate Amelia it was impossible. This is the main reason they could not be together. Aria was still in love with Amelia. “I’m going to go talk to her.” Helen says towards Aria. “I will be back.”


Helen finds Amelia quickly.

“Good that you made it in time.” Helen starts. “I was still healing-

Amelia rolls her eyes and cuts to the chase, “How long?”

Helen sighs. She knew this was coming. “How long what?”

“You two been sleeping together?” Amelia shouts in anger.

Helen watches the other vampire and notice her eyes are glowing in anger. Amelia was pissed off and emotionally hurt. “About a year and some months.” Amelia growls and Helen continues, “She needed somebody Amelia. She was hurt and depressed.”

“So that gave you permission to fuck her.”

“She asked me!” Helen shouts. “You cannot come back after two years and expect everything will go back to the way it was Amelia!” Amelia steps towards Helen in a threaten manner and Helen does not back down. If Amelia wanted to fight. That is what they will do. “I trusted you to take care of her.” Amelia sneers.

Helen laughs in disbelieve. “Fuck you Amelia. I did protect her. I even help her raise your fucking daughter. So don’t come to me with this bull shit. It’s not my fault she hates you and moved on and it’s definitely not my fault we fucked and she called my name in the middle of the night as I spread her legs-

Helen sentence is cut off by being slammed into the wall. Helen sneers as she wipes the blood from her lip. Amelia stares at her knuckles and sees the blood dripping off of them. Helen rushes into Amelia space but before she could return the punch Aria walks into the room and screams, “Helen.”

The brunette backs away and Aria rushes towards her. She grabs a towel and puts pressure on Helen lip. She then turns towards Amelia and hisses, “What the fuck did you do. She can’t heal.”

Amelia rolls her eyes. “She will be fine Aria.”

This comment pisses the human off. “What the fuck is wrong with you. It doesn’t matter if she will be fine or not. Annabelle could have seen you punching her Auntie in the face.”

Amelia chuckles in jealously, “I’m surprised she doesn’t call her mom.” She walks towards Aria in anger. “It seems you three are the perfect family.”

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