Zodiac Signs and Their Promposals

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Aries: happily proposes at their date's sporting event

Aquarius: dumps a big a bottle of water on their crush and says 'Are you thristy for a date?' Their crush refuses though.

Capricorn: brings their crush a goat with a giant sign that says 'will you goat to prom with me?' Sadly, they have detention for breaking the 'no goats' policy at school.

Gemini: cuts off their ear and sends it to their crush along with a note that says 'Vincent Van Gough with me to prom.'

Leo: gets their friends to all wear t-shirts with letters that spell 'prom?' and jump up smiling cheerfully!

Virgo: doesn't even bother going...

Libra: sets up a cute artsy room with words across the center of the wall that say 'let's dance the night away!' for their crush

Taurus: gets the pizza delivery guy to spell 'prom?' in pepperoni and anchovies on his and his date's pizza

Scorpio: just threatens their date nonstop if they don't go to prom with them, but their date hesitantly refuses.

Cancer: purposely asks their date out on a rainy day, gives them their jacket while it rains, and kisses them in the rain just to make it more romantic. Their date obviously accepts.

Pisces: goes big and rents out a whole big aquarium, makes a beautiful candelight dinner, and when their date enters the room activates some lights that spells the words, 'Out of all the fish in the sea, will you go to prom with me?' Their date eagerly accepts.

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