Chapter Five:

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"So you two know each other?" Ian asked again, pointing his fingers at both of us, and laughing. Rk and I just stared, our mouth still hanging open, and our eyes widened. "Ryan! Is this the girl you told me about? The one you sle-"

"NO!" Ryan cried out. Snapping his eyes at Ian.

A warm shiver went through me. Ryan, was a player. Wasn't he.

"B-but you said that she had sandy brown hair, and-"

"No, no, no. Shut up Ian." Ryan took his wallet out and sighed. "You're fuckin' thinking of Nash. Just. Don't even say anything else."

"No? You-"

"Um, I don't think I should be here. I'll get going," I cut off. Walking to the door.

Suddenly, a cold hand slightly pulled my arm back. I looked up into his deep brown eyes. "You're staying. You can't leave, I've waited to long, and so have you," Rk whispered to me. Smirking.

I frowned and dragged my arm off. Maybe John was right, maybe I wasn't ready for this. I stood straight, and stood next to Ian. “Um, ready to eat?” I asked, turning my gaze over to the blue eyed man next to me. He smiled and connected his arm with mine. I quickly looked over to Rk who was grinding his teeth together.

I turned and frowned. Bitch.

* * *

We were soon seated at a booth near the window. I attempted to sit next to Ian, but he said that an extra guess is coming, who wouldn't really be very nice to Rk. So I really had no choice, but to sit next to Rk. He kept his distance, and stared out the clear plane that the window showed.

As the awkward silence kicked in, I couldn't help it. "Um, so. How do you both know each other?" I asked. Eying Rk, then Ian.

Rk slowly looked my way. "Ugh, well. We met, by our friend Nash."

Ian nodded. "Yeah, in the band. Nash introduced me and Rk. They needed a bassist. If I can play guitar, then I can play bass." He laughed. "Rk, do you remember our first show?" he asked, smirking.

He smiled,"Yeah, that was fun. Never forget that night." And he took a sip of his water.

I raised my eyebrow. "Band..?" I asked.

"Yeah. Hot Chelle Rae. You should really listen to our songs. I bet you would.  Lots of people do." Ian smiled and rummaged through his bag. Rk sighed. I tilted my head over to him. He automatically smiled at me. I quickly turned away as Ian coughed. "Here," he handed me a cd case. There was a cover that said. HCR.

"HCR, means Hot Chelle Rae right?" I asked as I inspected the songs. I Like To Dance. Bushes, Alright, Never Have I Ever, and  Queen Of The Scene. They sounds interesting.

"Yeah," they replied in unison. I turned my way to the man sitting next to me. Our eyes connected for a millisecond until he dramatically turn away to the menu. I rose my eyebrow and switched my attention back to Ian.

"So, how'd this band start?" I asked as I drew my hands together.I was staring at the menu as I deiced what I should get.

"Um, well. Nash, the guitarist, and I met at a music store. We talked and it turns out that he was willing to be in a band. I told him about my, then, band. Miracle Drug. And then there was our band," Rk finished.

"Yeah. I was friends with Nash at the time, and they needed a bassiest. Like I said before, if I can play guitar. I can play bass." Ian smirked as he rose his water up to his lips. "So, tell me. How do you two really know each other?" he asked. Raising his eyebrow.

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