Only I Can See The Real You. (A Larry Stylinson Story)

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The first time Harry sees Louis he’s sitting at a bus stop.

He’s had a shit day and this nerve wrecking headache and just wants to go home, but the bus isn’t due until another twenty minutes. It’s fucking hot on top of everything and the weather is so nice it seems to be mocking Harry for how horrible his day went. It’s nothing specific even. Just school and, fuck, this headache.

So he’s sitting on the little bench by the empty bus stop, his eyes closed. He’s rubbing his temples, hoping that it’ll ease the headache a little.

“You okay?” somebody asks and Harry blinks his eyes open, startled from the voice. He hasn’t heard the boy approaching who’s now looking down at him. He isn’t very tall Harry notices and if he stood up he would most certainly be taller than him.

“Er, yeah,” Harry replies a little unsure.

“You have a headache,” the other boy states and Harry furrows his brows. His hands, still pressing against his temples, probably gave him away.

“Yeah,” Harry says again and the other boy’s face seems to light up at that. He takes two steps forwards and then plops down next to Harry on the bench.

“I’m Louis,” he says, reaching out for Harry’s hand. Harry looks down at him curiously, because now that they’re both sitting he indeed is taller than the other boy.

“Harry,” he says, not grinning quiet as wide as Louis is, but still trying to put a nice face on.

“It’s such a lovely day,” Louis says happily, shaking Harry’s hand an then turning back around to lean against the back of the bench.

It’s not

 Harry thinks, but he doesn’t say anything. Louis doesn’t say anything else either and so they sit in silence for a while. Actually they sit in silence until the bus arrives. Harry can see it stopping at one of the traffic lights a little down the street and slowly gets up.

“Are you not getting on?” Harry asks as Louis stays seated.

“No,” he replies with a smile, leaning forwards a bit. “I’ll see you around I guess,” he says as the bus comes closer and Harry thinks. 

Probably not.

 but yet again doesn’t say anything.

The bus stops and the doors open. Harry takes one last look back at Louis who is still grinning at him.

“Good luck with your headache,” he says and Harry thinks that’s a kind of cruel thing to say. But then he realizes that his headache is gone. He wants to turn around again to look at Louis, to let him know, but Louis is gone.


“I met the strangest boy today,” Harry tells his friend Zayn later that day. They’re both in Harry’s room and meant to do homework, but well. “He sat with me while I waited for the bus. Nice bloke.”

“Nice bloke?” Zayn asks with that something swinging in his voice.“Yes. Nice. His name’s Louis.”

“Did you get his number?”

“No, I- Not nice like that,"

Harry protests, but Zayn only grins at him.

“Right, of course,” He agrees, but it’s clear that he doesn’t believe Harry. The younger boy only scoffs at him and throws his huge math text book across the bed towards him.

“Oi,” A voice interrupts them from the doorway. “Shouldn’t you be studying?” Harry’s mom asks.

“Mom.” Harry complains, getting up from the bed to softly guide her out of the room again. When he gets to her however, she doesn’t budge. “We are studying. Just taking a break right now. I have a headache.” And that’s not even a lie. The headache had been gone earlier today, but as soon as Harry got home it came back.

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