12. Dipper Gleeful

Começar do início

     "You mean... a little too arrogant? Or maybe egotistical? Or should I say... cocky?" I said, counting off the words. "What do you mean about a demon?" I said, instantly interested about this.

     "You said you'd figure those mysteries out yourself," said Dipper, smirking and shrugging at me. "But you're already solving this stunning mystery," he pointed to himself, "here, so you got to be grateful."

     "So, you're basically a cocky murder magician?" I asked. The demon idea was still tugging at the back of my mind. But he's right, I'll have to find that out on my own. 

     Maybe he forced a demon to be his slave? Pfft, I know he's evil, but not that evil... right? I quickly shook that thought out of my mind and looked at him.

     "No. Well, yeah. One thing I don't get, why aren't you scared of me? I'm a effing murderer. Pines, listen to this. I'm. A. Murder. A murder with effing powers. Powers! You are so effing dense to be around me," he walked towards me with intense steps and suddenly was leaning over me. So close.

     He didn't say 'effing', though. He said the word. Our breaths mingled together and he glanced down. Down where? My lips. I licked them unconsciously, and I dared to look at his too. They were slightly parted, and panting. And dark.

     "Why aren't you scared, Pacifica?" he said in a pained whisper. He said my name, and it rolled off of his tongue and sounded pleasant. I could feel my heart beating thunderously against my ribcage, and I was scared he could hear it.

     My palms were sweaty, my breathing quick, and my heart racing.

     "I don't know," I honestly answered. "You're a dangerous murderous tyrant who could probably kill me anytime, and anywhere." I whispered back, looking at his intense, dark eyes. Stray hairs had fallen on his face, making him look even more devilishly gorgeous.

     "I know," he said coolly, his breath fanning over my face. I wonder what happened to him to make him a murderer and fool around with magic he couldn't even control. Maybe his family died tragically? I don't know. Guess I'll have to ask, or I'll have to find out.

     "What about your family?" I asked, curiosity trickling through me.

     He looked as though I'd asked him 'Do you eat frogs for breakfast, or is it just me?'. He recoiled away from me and inched backwards and grabbed the chair and sat on it. Looking directly at me with a confused face.

     Way to ruin the mood, Paz, my brain cheered me on.

     "Why the hell would you want to know about my family?" sneered Dipper, looking at his nails.

      "I don't know."

     "You give the worst reasons, Pines," he sighed and glanced back at me with an eyebrow raised.

     "I know, and stop calling me Pines," I flashed him a grin and then crossed my arms.

     "Why? I thought you liked the whole last name thing?" he gave me a lopsided smirk and stood up, crossing his arms as well.

     "I liked it when you called me Pacifica," I mumbled, averting my gaze from him to look at my now very interesting converse. My face felt on fire, and I could hear my own heartbeat from the way it was beating now.

     "Oh, does lil' Pacifica Pines have a lil' crush on me?" he smirked, walking towards me. I tried to go backwards into the sofa but he kept coming. He was in front of me in a second and staring at my eyes. His chocolate like eyes were gleaming mischievously.

Falling For You | CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora