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Lunch... I could bet my eyes sparkled as I laid my eye on the sandwich, which my mom had packed me. The buns held everything perfectly into place. Bits and pieces of meat and cheese were sticking out.

Everything was peace and quiet. Weeeeeit! Since when is the cafeteria quite you may ask. Well, it's very quite if you eat under a tree, where no one is, besides your best friends.

Amelia, Norah, Connor, Justin, Damian and I, have claimed our spot under the big tree, way behind the school.

It's nice to just get out of that hell house and sit outside. If you haven't guessed the "hell house" is our school. Honestly I would rather die than go to school. As a rather of fact, wouldn't everybody?

"Emmmm?" I hear the voice of Connor break into my thoughts, but I unpredictably ignore it. I don't know why but I was enjoying being in my little world of thoughts.

"Earth to Emily!" Norah shakes me and I finally snap out of the trance.

"Gosh! I thought I was going to have to take you to the nurse" Connor sighs.

I chuckle and look at the beauty in front of me. You can't resist the shiny, tan color. Oh and the perfect shape. Don't forget about the rose shade of tomatoes. How much I want to put my mouth on that. I gladly pick it up and shove it in my mouth.

Oh you thought I was describing a person? Sorry Hun I'm describing my sandwich.

"Damn girl your going fierce at it with that sandwich" Justin comments and I chuckle, spitting out bread crumbs.

"I bet she'd be good in bed" Damian says, followed with an annoying smirk plastered on his face. I roll my eyes and shove him.

"Try it yourself and find out" Justin suggest and my eyes widen but everyone bursts into laughter.

"As much as I'd love too, that's Connor's job" Damian glances over at Connor, who is just as bloodshot red as I am. I can feel my skin getting hotter and hotter.

"Guys I have to go" I lie just to get out of the situation.

"Why? Scared of admitting that you did the dirty with Connor" Damian's smirk still hasn't gone away.

"Damian shut up man! We did not!" Connor yells but his voice sounded dark and serious. I took the time and ran away.

I could feel someone following me, but didn't bother to turn around. I didn't want the situation to get even more awkwarder so that's why I ran away. Spotting a nearby bench, I ran towards it to sit. As soon as I turned to sit, I see Amelia and Norah running up to me.

"I'm sorry about what just happened" Norah said wrapping an arm around me.

"I know your sensitive when people touch up on that stuff" Amelia comes to comfort me with Norah.

I sniffle, trying to hold back the tears forming in my eyes, ready to drop any second now.

"Damian is jerk!" Norah suddenly yells.

"I second that" Amelia agrees.

"From what you went through, Damian shouldn't joke about that" Norah said In a furious tone.

"I'm gonna go over there and beat his little ass up" she forms her fists into a ball and runs. Amelia and I share glances before running after her. This isn't going to end well..

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