chapter 2

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I woke up early and performed my fajr prayer and I dozed off on the prayer mat . I woke up at 8:00am , to get ready for lectures , I took a quick shower , washed and dried my hair . Then i got into a red maxi dress . I added a little make up for the final touch and left for school. I heard my younger sister iman shouting my name to come down for breakfast. I wasn't that hungry, so I just had fruit salad.

I left the house at exactly 9:07am and had a quick drive, I arrived school at 9:20am. My lectures starts at 9:30, meaning I have time to chat with khayrah, as soon as she saw me coming , she ran towards me and gave me a bear hug."what on earth did I do to deserve this hug"I thought. It's not that we don't hug every morning you know, but this was different.

"Oh fareedah my mum liked the dress you helped me pick, she was very happy , I really made her day,"khayrah explained. "Oh now I get it, I was confused at first you know"I informed her.
"Yeah I couldn't help it, she pampered me a lot because she was happy.I even had to to start thinking it was my birthday and not hers"khairah added. "Good for you" I said.
Okay let's get going, we're almost late for the lecture you know."Okayyyy..... let's jet"khairah screamed.
We were walking down the hall when we bumped into Salma and Fateemah, we went towards them and said our salam and head to class.

Announcement class , I will be announcing when you all should come for your handouts"said the lecturer, " yes sir"we all replied. After the lecture was over, we all went to the cafeteria, because that lecture was a long lecture and all of us were tired and hungry at the same time. We all sit there and chat for a bit, " what says the time"asked salma, " it's 12 : 25"Fateemah replied her in a low tone. " Shiiit I have a lecture in five minutes time, I'll have to go now, I'll catch up with you guys later, bye " I said in a haste. I arrived just in time and the lectures started.I was bored out of my mind, the lecturer is slow and annoying, I can't wait for him to bounce out.After an hour, he finally left. I practically dragged myself outta the class, and my friends were standing by the hallway. " Hey"khairah said, " hi " I replied, " why the long face"Fateemah asked. " The lecture was so boring" I replied, oh sorry they all said. " I'll be heading home now"i said to them all and left in a haste." Okay do have a nice evening " khayrah replied. " It is very awkward for you to be behaving so nice to me khayrah"i said." Okay bye" she replied, " bye "I said.

After 15 minutes drive, I arrived home. I just want to go and hug my bed, as I walked in I saw my mum, " salam umma, " Wa'alaikumussalam " she replied, " how was school today " she asked, " it was fine Alhamdulillah " and I went straight to perform ablution, prayed my zuhr and dosed off.

Wake up, wake up sleepy head, I heard khadeeja's voice, at first I thought it was a dream but she kept disturbing my sleep. " Why on earth are you disturbing me " I asked, " Sorry about that but you're coming with me to my house to clean and cook for my husband because he is coming back today"she replied. "Why can't you just go there by yourself " I asked, " excuse me, I am in my early stage of pregnancy, and I am not suppose to be working so much for the health of my baby"she said, "okay am coming, I'll just dress up and come","I'll be waiting for you, she said.i quickly dressed up and went down, shall we, she asked,"yes lets go " we took my car and went to her house.

" Oh no your house is so dusty, who do you expect to dust all of your house for you " I said. "You ofcourse"she answered ."I see ,you really are not serious, but let me see what I can do, let's start then ". We started sweeping, moping, dusting, cleaning everywhere in her house. After that we prayed asr, then she started cooking, while I was watching zeeworld, after watching for like an hour, I asked her if she needed anything else and she said I could leave,then I went back home after 10 minutes drive.

As I enterd the house I met abba " Assalamualaykum abba " I greeted him " Wa'alaikumussalam fareedah, how are you " he asked " am fine abba, how was office today " I asked, " normal, he replied. " So you went to help your sister clean her house right"asked abba, yes abba her house was so dirty, I am really exosted" I complained ," well Allah will reward you for your help towards your pregnant sister"he tried to console me, " yes I know, "may Allah reward us all " I said. "Ameen" he replied and I retired to my room .It was almost time for maghrib prayer, so I performed ablution and sat down on my prayer mat reading Al quran before it was time.

After praying, I went down to eat dinner with everyone. The dinner was quite, and it seems like everyone was not in the mood today, so we all sit in the living room. When it was time for isha prayer, Abba, Alamin and Abdallah went to the masjid ,and we the ladies stayed at home and prayed, after praying I started reading some of my books and I didnt even know when I dozed off.

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