Chapter 29: Marriage without vows (Percy's POV)

Start from the beginning

"What is so important?" Nico asks me, blinking his beautiful brown eyes. Meatballs. I snort with laughter and start to cry because I'm laughing so hard. "What the Hades?"

"MEATBALLS," I roar with laughter. Nico raises an eyebrow and then groans.
"You were comparing something of mine to a meatball," he accuses me. "Wow Percy."

"Sorry, sorry, I was looking at your eyes and they're brown," I explain quickly. "Not that they're meatball brown they have more depth than that, but for some reason-"
"I get it," Nico sighed. "It's because I was Italian. Shall I say Alfredo?" NIco sasses. His pronunciation is fairly Italian with 'Alfredo', but I know I would lose major boyfriend points if I said that to Nico.

"Actually... since it's too dangerous to go outside to give you a ring," I explain. "I figured I'd do it up here because this is the room we both know the best."

"So you can enter camp? So we can get on with our lives again?" I remind Nico gently. "Also because I love you, I want to give you an edible ring that might not taste too good to someone who hasn't had sugar in about eight months?"

"Oh," Nico whispers. It's like his voice dies in his throat when he tries to speak. "A ring for that."

"Nothing bad, I promise," I say softly. I raise my hands in surrender and smile a little under my hair. "Do you want me on a knee?"

"Uh... what?" Nico is flushed so red I would normally worry, but I find this blush endearing.
"Do you want me to ask you formally?" I ask. Nico glances away, timidly and then nods a little.

"Sure, might as well do this as properly as possible," Nico mumbles. "Since you are giving me candy." I immediately grin and get down on one knee and Nico's whole face is red now and he gulps hard.

"Nico," I say softly. He gulps again and gives me his hand quickly.
"Quickly," he murmurs, embarrassed. "This makes me feel... weird." I take his hand and kiss his ring finger. I take out the ring pop and unwrap it with shaking fingers.

"I have been struggling for a while about the old you and this you," I confess gently. "However, I've decided that you're as gentle and loving as you used to be and you have made me fall in love with you all over again. Nico, I love you this one and the last one. You are always going to be the one I love deeply, I swear it. I will care for you, protect you, and I will always love you. So... with these vows I ask that you would marry me. Would you... marry me, Nico?"

"Oh... um," Nico gulps. His eyes are brimming with tears and he looks away quickly. "Yes." I slip on the plastic ring pop that is comic on his finger. I press my lips to his hand and then lift myself a little to pull on Nico's chin. He looks at me with so many emotions shining in his golden brown eyes that I get lost. I press my lips to his and he closes his eyes. Tears slide down his cheeks and taste salty against my lips. I pull away to steal air and suddenly Nico leans forward and grabs my face. He pulls on me and slips his right hand in my hair and tugs us closer. I push him back and we're lying on my bed.

*A small attempt at smut? I'm tryingggg Feel free to skip if this isn't your thing* (altho, stop lying to yourself it probably is lmao)

Nico's legs wrap around my waist and he gasps softly as my lips fall down his neck and I nip at his collar bones. I hear Paul enter the apartment and start talking to my mom as I continue kissing available skin on Nico's body. He takes a shuddering breath and pulls my body as close as he can.

"Nico," I murmur in a breathy voice by his ear. Nico shudders as I take his earlobe in my teeth. Nico moans softly and scratches my back through my t-shirt. Nico kisses me desperately as if he's worried we're going to disappear. I happily oblige and kiss him. His hands slowly go up to my hair and they're tangled in my black hair that probably needs a haircut by now.

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