10. The Proposal To Semi-Formal

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*after school*
Right after school i went over to Topanga's but stopped at a flower shop near by! I got her a boutique of ROSES her favorite!
"Hey Lucas I did what you asked! " she said handing me some Russian baked goods that Riley LOVEEES!!
"Thank you so much mama!" I said
"No worries who are you going to ask to the semi-formal?" My mom said
"Riley!" I said as i started to write my proposal on cardboard!
"Wow! You guys are pretty close huh?" She said
"Yes but just as friends mom nothing else!" I said
"Okay . Look who's coming!" She said as saw Riley with the most brightest smile i've seen !
She was coming but i hinted Maya to wait awhile and she had stalled her!
Maya was acting weird all day!
"Maya whats wrong?" I said
"What do you mean?" She said
"It seems to me like your hiding something! Did uncle Josh brake up with you?" I said
"Ok Riles , i am hiding something from you!" She said
"What is it?!!" I said
"Turn around peaches!" She said
And when i did i turned around to see Lucas with a sign that said "Dont be a Single Lady to the semi-formal! So Riley Matthews will you go to the semi-formal with me?" I didnt know how to react so i said "YAAAYYYY!!"
"Be cool" maya said
"Yes Lucas!" I said and he handed me Roses! My favorite!
"Oh sweetheart he also made me get you your favorite russian cookies!" Ms.Friar said
"Awee Lucas you did not have to do all this!" I said
"Yes i did Riley! Because your a very special person!" He said and i hugged him and gave him a small kiss on his cheek!
"Comeon let me walk you home!" He said and i nodded
"Wow Lucas really knows how to make Riley happy!" I said to Ms.Frias
"Oh boy. Lucas has not stopped talking about her since he met her!" She said
"I just hope everything goes well between them and no one gets hurt!" I said
"Im pretty sure that wont happen!" She said
"Why not?" I said confused
"Because they are quite a special pair! ...Well i have to get to work it was nice meeting you Maya!" she said
"It was nice meeting you to Ms.Friar!" I said
I had started to walk home and no suprise i was alone! I honestly feel Ranger Rick is taking away my Riles I just hope she doesn't forget about me.
My parents had invited Lucas for dinner. It went pretty well. We were all laughing and as usual my mom was saying embarrassing things about me but i didnt care. They're some moments were my dad wanted to laugh but since he "doesn't like" Lucas he tried to act serious!
"Well Mr. & Mrs.Matthew i should get going now thank you for the amazing dinner! Good night!" Lucas said
"Goodnight Lucas!" My mom said
"GOODBYE LUCAS!!!" My dad said slamming the door so close to Lucas face!
I opened the door and said "thank you Lucas for the amazing day today! Goodnight!" I said as I hugged him
"Goodnight Riles!" He said
"Ayyyyy! What did i say about Riles?" Auggie said i was just confused
"Oh right. Sorry. Good night my ray of sunshine!" He said and walked away as i closed the door
"Mom did you hear that he called me his Ray of Sunshine!" I said not being able to stop smiling
"Yes Pumpkin now go to sleep so we can go dress shopping tomorrow!" She said
(It's Wednesday! They have no school on Thursday and the dance is Friday ;)

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