Chapter 2

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What is he doing here?

Take a deep breath..... pretend you don't know him

"Can i help you, sir?" kaname still staring at him

"It very rude to stare at people, much more didn't answer their questions"

This make kaname snap out of his mind

"Sorry.... it just you look almost like my late wife" kaname said

Zero confuse.

"Late wife? Does this mean yuki dead..... that impossible.... yuki is still alive.... so who else he would have mention?.... the other one he knows that is--"

Zero snap. It couldn't be. But that impossible.

He look at kaname "i'm sorry for your lost.... so, do you want to order anything?" Try to change the subject

Kaname stare at him for a while before saying "2 tea and 2 sandwiches please"

"Okay.... just wait a few minutes and i will take it to your table"

"Thank you" kaname said before turn around to join with takuma

Zero look at kaname for a while. Then walk to the chef sending him the order

A few minutes later, the order are ready. Zero pick it up and walk toward to the two vampires

"Here your order" as he place the food on the table

"Is there anything else you want?"

Takuma shook his head saying they're good

Zero nod and left to serve the next customer

Kaname P.O.V

I'm not sure if that person is MY zero or not

But it can't be....

"Kaname.... you okay?" Worried takuma

"I'm fine..... just.... that waiter look almost like zero"

Takuma confuse "what are you talking about kaname? Zero's dead. You said it yourself"

I sign. It true zero is dead because the bond between me and him had cut off, nearly a year ago. It hurt like a bitch when it happen as if half of me have been rip off from my life and i felt empty.

Not even yuki can fulfill the emptiness in my heart

I return back to the reality when takuma snap his fingers

"You okay?"

I nod

"You know kaname. You should be happy. Zero is now in a better place. A place he would not have to suffer anymore"

I sadly sign and agree with him.

We eat our lunch quietly while my eyes still lingered to the silver haired waiter.

He resemble almost like zero but zero did not have a very looking female like figure

Kaname P.O.V end

Takuma P.O.V

Why did kaname bring zero up. I mean he's dead. Thanks to the ungrateful people that make him suffer

But i had to admit. That waiter little bit like zero. That impossible. He's already dead. Kaname told me himself when the bond between him and zero had totally broken

Mmmm..... i have to make investigation for this

Takuma P.O.V end

Zero shift finally ended. He gone home to pack up his things to visit his 'mother'. He rather call her sora though

Tomorrow is the weekend and good thing tomorrow is his last work before he get 2 day off

Wohooo..... finally some break

He went to bed and doze off

The next day, it the same. Serving to customer this, customer that. Endure all their flirting which is very annoying

The day finally end. It good thing that none of his most hated people come in this time. He felt relief

He walk out the cafe. Say goodbye to his friends and walk off

While he was passing the cemetery. He saw someone that is familiar to him. He doesn't know why but his body have the mind on his own walk toward the person

When he is close enough. He finally realize who it was.

It was his hateful younger brother, ichiru kiryu

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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