After He Came Back: Olivia

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"Hello Sargent Olivia Benson speaking." I say load and always.

"Liv......its me Elliot....." I heard my best friend, my true love, the father of my daughter, my everything say.

"Elliot.....Whats wrong?" I say softly.

"Rebecca got my number she called me is she okay?" He says.

I grabbed my phone and called Noah's cell phone.

"I am calling Noah I will see if he knows what is going on with her." I say.

"Okay." He says and Noah picked up on my cell.

"Mom what is wrong?" Noah says.

"Where is Rebecca?" I say.

"I don't know she never showed up to third block." Noah says.

"Okay thanks Noah see you at home."

"See ya."

He hung up.

"El she isn't at school. Let me track her phone." I say softly.

"Okay I will meet you at the station in five." He says softly.

*Five Minutes Later*

"Brooklyn Bus Station." I say handing him my phone.

"Lets go." He says.

Beep Beep

"Hello?" I say not checking the ID.

"Does anyone really care?" Rebecca's sad voice said.

"We care. We love you." I say.

"Why do I feel as if I am a mistake then?" Rebecca says softly.

"You are not a mistake you are a blessing."

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