Chapter 1

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Drown ( A Hunter x Hunter fan Fic )
Chapter 1 ~ Escape #### Mizuki POV ####

I ran for all I was worth towards the rapidly closing doors of the prison chamber. "Don't go! Please! Don't leave me here alone again!" I screamed desperately. Completely losing my composure wasn't my thing, but, it is very easy to keep an emotionless expression when you're alone 24/7.

The only thing was, I didn't see much light in the damp cell I sat in. Let alone people who actually enter the cell. I was a regular eleven-year-old. As regular as you can get when you're the youngest person to ever be put in solitary confinement when you're 9 years of age. I'd been sent down here because I killed someone. Or some people. I can't help it. I was trained by my parents to kill anyone who stood in the way of my objective. So far, the doctors had labeled me as a psychotic killer and liar. Who exactly did I kill? It was none other than my parents, some relatives and some others that I've forgotten. Why? Because they stood in the way of my objective. I had wanted to take part in the hunter's exam.

My parents didn't want me to. My relatives backed them up. The others, well stood in the way of me getting out of my clan compound. So boom. And blood everywhere. I was just obeying my parents orders.

Moral of the story: don't teach your children to kill people. Case closed. Anyway, back to my cell. It was a damp dark place. I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. It was like a bottomless pit. Due to my lack of vitamin D, I was as pale as vampire. Or at least I figured I was.

How was I supposed to see if there was zero light? You definitely think I'm a psychotic sarcastic cold-blooded killer right? I won't deny it. I won't even say it isn't my fault. Because its me and I can't change that. My visitor had come to ensure I hadn't gone completely mad. I asked him when I was getting out. He said soon. I didn't believe him.

After all, they don't release murderers that easily. So I assumed that he was a friend. Who'd help me escape. There were CCTV cameras every where. They picked up audio sounds too. I couldn't risk talking to the guy about my escape plan I'd been formulating since I was captured. The cameras were heat-sensitive so they could pick up humans moving around in the dark. I couldn't do anything but wait and see if the mystery person was really going to get me out of here.

It would be tough. The walls were made of solid iron. The door was triple bolted complete with a thumb scan. I was a criminal. So they wouldn't want me on rampage. Because that would be delightful. I touched my black cloth mask covering the right side of my face. Underneath it, I could feel the deep scars running across my face and across my eye. The scars were shaped in a cross. The centre in the centre of my eyelid. My price of killing my parents. Dad had done a pretty good one on me. I'd done better. Of course I lost my eye. The wound hadn't been pretty. The last time I'd seen sunlight was 2 years ago. A very long time.

Suddenly, a sharp jolt down my spine told me there was someone close by. I turned my head and listened to the loud scraping sounds coming from behind me. Was it my rescuer? "BAM!" The wall collapsed in a heap of rubble.

I quickly got to my feet. Swaying unsteadily I ran out the wall and into bright light. My cell was 100 meters underground. Or at least the sign outside said so. I should've been crushed by pressure. But, I didn't have time to think about that. I felt a strong hand grab me around the waist and carry me out of my underground prison. Then, I blacked out.


I felt weightless. Yet I felt like my body weighed a ton. I knew this feeling. I got it every time dad gave me double my usual workout. And that was every three days. I hadn't felt like this in ages, since I didn't force myself to train so hard. Just enough to keep me well toned. It ain't that easy to train in complete darkness. But, if I got in the way if my own goal. I'll have to kill myself.

I tried to force my eyelids open, but it felt like they were being glued together. After I managed to open them, I found myself in a brightly lit room, lying on a soft bed.

My hand flew to my face and with a sigh of relief, felt my mask there. My body ached and when I looked at my hands and chest, noticed there were bandages wrapped around them. I tried to sit up but I couldn't. I lifted my hand of the bed and winced as a sharp pain shot through it.

Yup. Definitely broken.

"Oh, you're awake."

#### Unknown POV ####

"Oh, you're awake."

I tried to hide my surprise as she responded, "Why shouldn't I be?"

"The doctor said you wouldn't be up for the next 5 days."

"Oh. Who are you?"

"I believe you do not need to know that."

"Hey, why not? Why can't I know the name of the person who saved my life from that horrible place?"

"Ok. My name is Ging."

"I'm Mizuki." She was now sitting up and surveying her wounds.

"What happened? I'm pretty sure I wasn't cut up like this when I was in prison."

"Ughh. The guards weren't very happy when I said I was letting you out. And it isn't easy to dodge when you're carrying an eleven year old."

"Then why aren't you injured?"

"You ask a lot of questions."

"I've been told."

I sat at the foot of her bed as we kept silent. From what I could tell, she was thinking about something. I couldn't read her. That was strange. Her expression was impossible to read. The questions she asked were strange too. If I were her, I'd have asked why I was saved. In actual fact, I didn't have a reason. When I found out about a little girl being in prison, I wanted to know how dangerous she was. But a high-security cell? For a eleven year old?

Of course, just out of curiosity, I'd lifted her mask to see what she kept hidden. When I saw the scar, I got even more curious. But I felt guilty. I knew she was like this because of her parents, but what if Gon was like this too? I shook the thought out of my head. Mito-chan would never let that happen.

#### Mizuki POV ####

We were silent and for me it was good. I took my time getting used to the light. That's when I noticed how long my hair had gotten. Usually, it was a short choppy hairstyle that I did myself with a knife. Now it was a long tangled mess that reached to my waist. "Do you have a knife?" I asked Ging-san, breaking the silence.

"Why do you need it?" His eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"My hair." I stated.

He nodded and handed me a hunting knife. I immediately got to work, chopping of large segments of my hair. I really couldn't care less as long as it was out of my face.

#### Ging POV ####

I watched in fascinated horror as the little girl known as Mizuki worked at her hair. "Now, lets get down to business. Why did you bring me here?" She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm. Lets just say I wanted to test your strength."

"You have no idea how many times I've heard that." I had no doubt about that too.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"I think I'll let you decide that."

"Okay. If you don't mind, could I have a little money and some food. Oh, it wouldn't hurt to give me some clothes."

Woah. Woah. This kid was bold. I didn't even detect a hint of remorse when she requested for the stuff. Either this kid was a spoilt brat, which was not really possible, because according to her file, there was no one to spoil her. Or she really didn't feel any emotion, like her file said. I nodded my head in response and silently left the room.

A whirlwind of thoughts flashed through my brain: Exactly who was this little midget? And, if my memory serves, she was probably the same age as Gon. I searched the apartment for something small enough for her to wear.

Unfortunately, there were none. Guess she'll either have to wear her own clothes or wear mine... I packed some money and a loaf of bread in a small cloth before tying the corners together. ###########
這故事好不好呢? Umm, how was it? And I felt like typing in Chinese so let me off...

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