
455 20 4

-Everyone has logged on-

-Hyuk: Mum why did you make this chatroom

-Hongbin: Yeah mum please tell us why

-N: I'll tell you if you shut up.

-Hyuk: Oh ok Emma.

-N: I cannot handle all of you at the same time. Can I.

-Leo: I guess so.

-Hongbin: True that.

-N: Now for the rules kids.

-Hyuk: Rules seriously. We don't need rules.

-Leo: I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with the Maknae.

-Hyuk: Aww thanks Leo and never call me the Maknae ever again plz

-Leo: Maknae.

-Leo has logged off-

-Hyuk: That pabo.

-Hyuk has logged off-

-Ravi: Looks like Hyuk I on a mission now.




-Ken: As the Supposed grandad of the Group I should have a day of what goes on in this chatroom.

-N: Sure thing Ken what would you like.

-Ken: No rules maybe.

-N has logged off-

-Hongbin: Ken you better run. NOW.

-Ken has logged off-

-Hongbin: There we go. I can hear N having a go at Ken right now plus I'm off now see ya.

-Hongbin has logged off-

-Ravi: Leo are you going to say anything.

-Leo: Ah

-Leo has logged off-

-Hyuk: Hongbin is calling me I'd better go now bye Ravi.

-Hyuk has logged off-

-Ravi: Oh

-Ravi has logged off-

Hey guys so I said on my BTS chatroom that I was going to make this one and I have so much planned see you soon

Ella xx

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