The Sacrifice Made

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The year A.D. 79

Alkaios watched the monsters enter the hidden cave in the side of the mountain. He shut his eyes. How could such creatures exist? He wondered. Their bodies were twisted and misshapen, their eyes red, their many heads cruel and hateful representations of the animals the Gods had created by hand; demonic dogs, cats, birds, and bears crowned the necks of the monstrous creatures. With a slight shiver, and on shaking legs, Alkaios swallowed his fear, and followed them, followed the creatures that would bring the end of the world, into the mountain's depths, just as Jupiter had instructed him.

In slow motion, it seemed, he stepped to the edge. He was told by an oracle that he was destined to die to save the world, at the greatest of costs. He had never understood... that is, until the decision actually faced him. They were all here, he knew, every last one of the monsters, and to stop them, he had to destroy them all. Alkaios stood at the precipice's fringe, staring into the deep, the heart of the mountain. Horror widened his eyes and quickened his breath as he gazed, transfixed by the terrible sight before him. Yes, now he understood, after all these years, now he knew the cost... and what a cost! A great sorrow mingled with his terror as he thought of what he must do. How many souls would face judgment tonight because of this? How many bodies of men, women, children, would be left dead, buried and forgotten under the debris Vesuvius would leave behind?

May the Gods have mercy on my soul! He prayed silently, then, steeling himself, he hurled his body into the pit, summoning the thunder Jupiter had given him at birth. With a cry, he released it into the mountain's core, awakening the storm that slept beneath the surface, and Vesuvius roared. He squeezed his eyes shut, screaming in agony as roiling flame, magma, and smoke flew to meet him, engulfing the air around him, searing his flesh, burning him into dust. And as the last of the monsters perished, so did Alkaios, his soul rising to join the souls of those innocents whose deaths he had just now caused... a terrible collateral: the price of the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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