Liam :- Harry . Haih. I already know your reaction will be that so we will change into how Louis accidentally rolled his wheelchair towards you and caused he said oops and you said Hi at Cafe or restaurant then you two start to stare deep in the eyes . Don't worry Hazza, this story will not caused any negative about you and Louis . It's all positive. Trust me .

Harry :- the Hi and oops really did happen tho 2 days ago when I go to his house !

Liam :- seriously ? You meet him already ? Can we meet him too harry ?

Harry :- yea . I will try ask him later . So now Liam , get your boyfriend in good condition again then we can start this assignment.

Liam :- haha alright Harry ! Bye now , good luck for the rest of your class . Ho Ho !

Harry :- shut up Liam . Bye !

I end the call . Then I open my sketch book that I drew recently and took a picture of it and sent it to Liam . And he reply with " 'brilliant !' . Now time to texting Louis .

To : Loubear
From : Hazza

Lou , what are you doing ~(^,^)~

To : Hazza
From : Loubear

Is it necessary to put those things in text huh ?

To : Loubear
From : Hazza

Nope . ~(*v*)/ just want to annoy you . Tralala ~~

To : Hazza
From : Loubear

Well then , I'm leaving

To : Loubear
From : Hazza

NooOoOOo! ! I'm just playing. You have no fun loueh ! *pout*

To : Hazza
From : Loubear

I'm just playing with ya too babe ;)

To : Loubear
From : Hazza

Are you flirting with meh ??!!!

To : Hazza
From : Loubear

Nope . I was flirting with a curly hair boys who is actually an art person !

To : Loubear
From : Hazza

Well , I'm getting jealous over here. Talking about art , you do know right about my group assignment that I told you the other day?

To : Hazza
From : Loubear

Yea . Why ? Is there any problems?

To : Loubear
From : Hazza

Sorta have . My friends know about you and theywanttheassignmentisaboutus !

I nervously sent those texts . I knew Louis will never agree this . Consider that we aren't together, yet .

To : Hazza
From : Loubear

What's about us ?

To : Loubear
From : Hazza

About our love story ?

To : Hazza
From : Loubear

My Hazza (COMPLETED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ