"Mikey did you hear a please because I didn't," He said looking straight at Michael and ignoring me.

"Please can I have my drink Calum."

"That's more like it," He said handing me the drink.

"You can sit here Rae," Micheal said shuffling up a little bit for me.

"Thank you," I replied and sorting my blanket out before giving Calum a look.

As the night progressed, the guys ended up getting more and more drunk but with my common sense and not wanting to have a hangover in the morning meant that I managed what I was drinking. Same could not be said about the others though. Not only that but they were all becoming really tipsy, especially Calum, he looked like he was going to be sick anytime. 

"Okay, but we have to talk about the tension between you and Calum," Ashton brought up.

"What tension?" I asked to which Calum agreed.

"Are you kidding me? You can cut it with a knife!" Ashton's tone increased.

"Well it's not my fault, your friend over here is rude," I said fidgeting with my blanket.

"I am not rude!" Calum slurred.

"Yeah okay whatever."

"Yeah there's really no tension here," Michael said sarcastically.

"If anything you're the rude one here Rae," Calum replied.

"How on earth am I rude to you?" Annoyed right now would be an understatement. 

"You know what, I don't want to do this right now," He said backing down. 

"Chicken," I muttered. 

"What was that?" He asked.

"I didn't say anything," I replied denying the accusation. 

"I think I'm going to be sick," He said.

"Hey, I'm not that bad alright," I replied slightly offended.

"No I mean, I think I'm physically going to be sick," He said looking a whole lot paler than before. 

"Don't be sick on me. Come on the toilet is this way," I said getting up and showing him to the toilet. 

Instantaneously, he got down onto his knees and began puking his guts down the toilet. It wasn't a pretty sight or sound. It reminded me of my friends, I was always the mother of the groups and so feeling the urge, I began rubbing his back and avoided looking at the toilet. Once he had finished, he got up and I took my hand off his back so he could begin washing his face. 

"I swear to God, if you got sick on my blanket, you're going to have buy me a new one," I draped it off me and  began searching it for any residue. "That's so gross Calum you actually have got sick on my blanket." 

"I can probably buy you 5 more of those," He said holding his hands against his head as if to stabilize himself. 

"I only need one, and I'd rather you dry clean it," I said leaving the blanket on the floor and going to wash my own hands. 

"Eurgh why do I drink?"He groaned, most likely from the beginnings of his headache. 

"It's not that, you just can't hold down what you drink," I replied taking a seat on the counter.

"Why are you such a smart ass?" He asked. 

"I'm also rude remember," I replied referring back to our previous conversation.

"You called me rude first," He said.

"Yeah because you're so ignorant when I'm trying to do my job," I replied. 

"Well so am I."

"Yeah but maybe if you listened then both of our jobs would be a whole lot easier," I said.

"I don't have to listen to you," He said annoyance present in his tone. 

"Without me there would be no show, so technically you have to."


"Let's just be civil with each other, you don't have to like me and I don't have to like you but just be civil,"I compromised with him.


"Now having said that, I think it's time you went to bed."

"Now you've turned into my mum," He said. 

I slid off the counter and pushed Calum along to where everyone was, even though it was a struggle considering he is a literal giant. Once I couldn't push him any further, I helped him into his previous seat next to Ashton, where once sitting down he lay his head on Ashton's shoulder. 

"I think someone may have had a bit too much," I said.

"Where's your blanket gone?" Michael asked.

"Calum got sick on it and I don't want it anymore."

By the end of the night everyone was too tired to even go their correct bunks never mind the correct tour bus, they all just sort of lay on top of each other snoring away. With me not wanting to disturb their precious sleep, I made my way back to my bunk and got in for the night, before talking to my best friend seeing as I had a missed call from her.

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