She gave him a look, "I just know. But really, don't be. I might come off as rude – some even think I'm a bitch – but actually I'm a really nice person. I was angry with Izzie this morning, not you. I even sure that you don't feel that comfortable throwing the party without Mer's and my blessing." He nodded.

"Don't tell Izzie please, but, um, s-she is still throwing the party."

"I know."

"You know? How?"

"Even though we don't know each for years, we do know each other and I just knew that Izzie wouldn't cancel the party even if I asked." George nodded as they entered Mrs. Drake's room. They stood next to the patient's bed as they asked her some questions.

"The surgery before was supposed to help, but it—it never felt right." She told them as she took off her glasses and tried to put time on the nightstand. Courtney took the glasses from the woman, seeing that she couldn't reach the table and placed them on there.

"Probably a good idea to quit smoking." George muttered as he wrote something down in her chart. Courtney turned her head to him, her eyes widened and she nudged him in the side. He just did what Webber had asked them not to. George had thought that he had said it quietly, but everyone had heard what he said including Mrs. Drake.

"I did! Four pack a day habit. Oh, it was hell." A nurse offered her a blanket. They were prepping the woman for her surgery. "It didn't do any damn good."

"Really? Because it looked, I mean, from the damage, we all thought you probably were still smoking."

"George!" Courtney whisper-yelled, giving him the look that said stop talking.

"Cold turkey. Five years ago. What do I get for my trouble? I still had to quit my job at the restaurant. But even sitting, it hurt." A nurse adjusted her pillow. "Nobody believed me. They all said it was in my head."

"We've seen the films. It's not all in your head, Mrs. Drake." Courtney answered with a smile.

"You're right about that. Hey, come here." She said to the two interns and they moved closer. "You two are too damn young to be doctors."

"Hey, I'm older than I look." George replied with a smile on his face, while Courtney did the same.

The nurses started wheeling her away, "Do you think this is going to work this time?"

"I think it's your best option." George responded as Courtney stepped away a bit so that the nurses had more space to wheel the woman away.

"Straight-shooter, huh?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I like that."


Courtney and George were watching the surgery of Mrs. Drake in one of the O.R's, while Webber was operating on the woman. "We call this a spaghetti procedure. We cut and deflate the bullae to facilitate gentle manipulation of Mrs. Drake's lung." Bailey explained to the two interns, looking at the screen.

"Dr. Bailey, do you see that?" Chief Webber asked when he noticed a black thing between the woman's lungs.

"Sir? Oh my ever-lovin'..."

"We need to open her up. I'm taking out the scope."

"You heard him, people. Let's move."

"Lights. Let's get set up. 10 blade. Get the scalpel ready. Towel."

"Rib spreader."

"Suction." Webber asked before they started pulling something black out of Mrs. Drake. The two interns were trying to see what was going on when George recognized the black thing.

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