A Year

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You can't believe it. It's been a year. A year since you've talked. Half the time you feel just fine and that you've moved on, but the other half the time you feel just as bad as you did a year ago. You're absolutely positive they've moved on. They sound happy from what you hear. They look happy smiling and laughing in the pictures with their friends. You however, feel less and less invested in yourself. You've stopped smiling with your teeth because you don't like the way they look. You don't ever go out without make up, because you think you're ugly. You scratch at your collarbones until you bleed because you it makes you feel like you are getting what you deserve. You secretly want those scars because you don't deserve pretty skin. You don't eat but tell people that you forgot. You purposely think of sad things and sad music just so you can feel down about everything. You think that they look gorgeous and they were the pretty friend. The one everyone likes. But you don't understand why they would even want to be friends with someone like yourself. But that doesn't matter now because you're not even friends anymore and this is what you deserve.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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