A low growl rumbles through her chest and she faces the direction she suddenly knew that the old fortress was in, more memories coming forward.

Including some she had seen at Beorn's.

Still growling, she stalks back to camp, the others following, looking worried. She finds her clothes, which Thorin had folded and grabbed them, marching off.

She was more than agitated when she returned, a heavy frown creasing her forehead.

"Gandalf, I need a word." Selene said darkly, walking past without giving him a chance to respond.
Gandalf just raises an eyebrow and follows.

He finds her just out of earshot of camp, an impatient hand pushing back her hair.

"You wouldn't want to knock out that bead Selene." He said, watching her.

"If it can survive me turning into a wolf, it can survive that." She growled, her expression pained then.

Gandalf frowns then. "What is wrong Selene?"

She takes a moment before her silver eyes look at him. "I...I have some information that may change things."

"To do with what?" Gandalf asked patiently.

"Everything." Selene replied quietly. "Especially between Thorin and I."

"Selene, you two are-"

"I know what we are." She cuts over him.

"Then you should also know that that bond is unshakable."

"Maybe." Selene looks into the distance for a moment before she sighs. "Thrain is alive, Gandalf."

Gandalf stares at her. "Thorin's father?"

She nods, still not looking at him.
"How could you possibly know that Selene?"

"I remember the orcs bringing him in." She was speaking so quietly, Gandalf had to take a step closer to hear her. "And I remember them ordering for him not to be killed. They wanted something from him but I do not remember what."

Gandalf takes a moment to take this in, watching her curiously. "Selene...that was thirty years ago."

But she shakes her head. "I know, but I still feel he is alive Gandalf."

He observes her, sees the fear and worry in her gaze.  "Then do not tell him."


"Selene, Thorin still believes his father is alive."

"Exactly, so he should-"

"Listen to me very carefully Selene."  Gandalf said quietly, resting a hand on her shoulder.  "If Thrain is indeed being held where I think he is, then the last thing you need is for Thorin to be rushing into the rescue.  You, yourself have clearly seen the power of the necromancer and do you really think that Thorin should be facing that to save his father?"

Selene stood still, her eyes wide, and then she slowly shakes her head.  "Not even I want to face that Gandalf."

Gandalf nods.  "Thorin has enough on his shoulders, lest telling him his father is alive as well.  Someday, perhaps, when all this is over, but now would not be the wisest time."

Her expression showed that she was still clearly fighting with herself over this.  "It just does not feel right Gandalf."

"I understand, but sometimes we must do what isn't right to protect those we love."  He wraps an arm around her shoulders as she sighs.  "You need to trust me on this Selene, it would put you both in great danger if you told him."

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