"That molested her." Mrs. Ashton says quietly.

"And she told Abby she never wanted to see her again. That she should kill herself or move back to Australia."

"Oh honey." Mrs. Ashton says.

"She's just a teenager." Mr. Ashton says gently.

My eyes are wet and probably red. I lift my head off of Liam's chest to look at them.

"Trust me. The boy will do something and she'll come crawling back and realize how wrong she was."

"She's a sixteen year old child. She doesn't know what she's doing." I mumble.

"You're not ugly." Liam says firmly.

"I'm not upset about that. I'm upset she said she hates me and never wants to see me again."

"She doesn't hate you." Mrs. Ashton says. "She's mad at you."

"All I was trying to do was make sure she was safe! I didn't-" I cut off, burying my head in my hands and sigh, looking up. "I'm sorry guys. I really don't want to talk about this. I'm going to bed. Thank you for letting me stay here. I promise I'll be out of your hair as soon as I can."

"No rush, honey. You're welcome." Mrs. Ashton smiles, hugging me. "I'll see you in the morning." She kisses my head.

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Her and Mr. Ashton say in sync.

I stop by the bathroom to pee, and then I go into Liam's old room.

I lay down in his bed.

I hear him talk to his parents about me and Izzy and me, and then more about me.

And me, and Australia and Hailey and everything.

I hear him going on and on about how happy he is again, how much he's missed me.

"And what about Sara?"

"Her and I called her today and we told her everything and she didn't care. Like, she's not upset."

"Good. I didn't like her." Mr. Ashton says.

"Sweetheart, can we talk in the morning? It's five and I'm tired." Mrs. Ashton says.

"Sure." Liam says.

He says goodnight to them, and I hear them pass his bedroom.

I hear Liam go into the bathroom, and he comes into his room. He's quiet as he shuts the door, and I hear him stumbling around the room.

"You can turn the light on." I mumble.

It's quiet for a second, and then the light comes on.

He was out there for like, an hour. I'm on my stomach with my head in the pillow.

"Liam, do you think this is my fault?" I whisper.

He's quiet for a second.

"Do I think what is your fault?" he asks.

I roll over.

"Izzy. The way she's acting. I wasn't really there for her for four years."

"No." he says. "I think she's a hormonal teenager that has no respect for anybody older than her and I think that she doesn't like the word no, so she took it out on you."

I'm quiet for a moment.

"Do you really think that's why?" I whisper.


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