Chapter 27: Death

Start from the beginning

"Paint bleeds, I can't breathe

Need you here with me

Close my eyes I can feel you close

Why did you have to go?

I'd give up my eyes to see you one last time

And I'd give all my fingertips to touch you

And I could paint your picture perfect even if I were blinded

But you'd have to die for me to see how to live." He's been relating to the song since I died.

"Tigress." A booming voice said.

"God?" I asked, looking in the direction the voice was coming from.

"Come." I followed the direction that the voice came from. There was a giant gate. The gate opened. "Enter." I walked through and found God. He looks like Jesus, except God doesn't have holes in his hands and feet or a gash on his side.

"Yes, God?"

"It has come to my attention that there are people on Earth who need you by their sides. Hungary sent a prayer to bring you back. She was a messenger for me once." I nodded. "She and your friends seem to need you very much. I normally do not do this, but I am going to resurrect you." My eyes widened.


"Yes. And you are going to stay on Earth with them. Until Judgement Day."

"Thank you, God!! This is amazing!!!"

There was a flash and I appeared at Russia's front door. I started to poke myself to see if I'm solid again. My hands didn't go through me!!! I'm back!!! I opened the door.

"I'M BACK IN BLACK, MY PEOPLES!!!" I exclaimed. I heard someone in the living room.

"Hello?" Belarus' voice said.

"I told ya I'd be back!!!" I said happily as I came in. Belarus looked up at me with wide eyes. Lithuania was sitting next to her. She shook Lithuania. He didn't look up. She lifted his head to look at me. His eyes widened.

"Tygrysica?" He asked. "Is that really you?" I walked over to them and put my hand on his shoulder.

"It's really me, dude. I promised I'd be back, now I'm here to stay. Right now, I gotta find the others." I started looking through the house. I found Latvia drinking. I snatched the bottle from his hand.

"Hey!!" He exclaimed.

"When I said 'have fun' this ain't what I meant." He squinted at me and tilted his head a bit.

"Tīģeriene?" I nodded.

"Lay off the alcohol, kay? I'm here to stay, bro." I kissed his forehead and went to find Estonia. He was in his room sitting in front of his computer. "Yo, Estonia!" I read his mind. He thinks he's hearing things. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He looked back at me. "Boo."

"Tiiger?" He asked me.

"I'm back and I'm here to stay, bro. Now, to find Blossem, Hungary, Ukraine and Russia." I went to look for Blossem. I found her in the bathroom. She had a thing of bleach and a lighter. I walked over to her and slapped them outta her hands. She looked at me.

"Tigress?!" She said in shock.

"Didn't I ask ya to try and live without me?" She nodded. "Well, I'm back and I'm here to stay." She hugged me. I hugged her back. I felt tears started to soak through my shirt. I started to rub circles into her back. "There there, it's okay."

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