What I Live For (Part 2)

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Hello! What's up? Nice to meet you. My name is TJ. I live in a semi-small town in California. I live with my parents, and my brother. I live in a very functional house on Park Drive. I talk regularly to my neighbors, and I do my mono-colored homework every night. Not to mention I do the extra credit to strive for the title of being an A Student. I text my friends when I get low on my social needs, and it always makes me feel better. I also shower regularly and wash my dishes in the bathroom sink.

I live for violin playing. I work on it every night after my extra credit homework is finished. By then it's usually about 2 in the morning, but my parents never seem to wake up when I play. Plus I can always grab a cup of coffee to feel energized again! I also live for my school work. My aspiration is to become a Computer Guru, so I tend to hack into the Liberty Bank a lot. (Don't tell the police!) My parents don't make much money, and we always have to spend the money they make to repair our extremely unreliable appliances. We also have an abundance of llama hedges that seem to keep appearing in our backyard.

I also live to be the most well cared for sim in my entire civilization. I maintain a steady health of peeing, eating, sleeping, entertaining, socializing, and showering. I always want to make sure my ominous diamond that hangs above my head stays green! If not then I'll feel sad or uncomfortable and I won't be able to do my activities to the best of my abilities. Life won't slow down for me. It only seems to know how to speed up.

The last and most important reason as to what I live for, is because it's the only thing I was created to do. I was placed in this house to fill the extra room. I was given a violin to grow in skill and impress our stalker-like neighbors when they randomly enter our home. I was give the trait of focusing naturally in order to excel in my school. I don't live for myself.

I live to live.

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