Chapter 8

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Vic's POV. 

You could see the anger in Kellin's eye as Copeland said the words. 

He handed Cope to me and walked off saying "I'm done."

Nobody knew what had happened so when the door to Kellin's mom's car slammed and whizzed off down the street everyone looked at me with questioning eyes. 

"Katelynne's cheating."

Kellin's POV. 

I hated myself for doing to Cope what my father once did to me but how am I supposed to stay with that bitch when she'd been sleeping with another man?! Once tour was over I'd claim custody. She brings a man into my daughters home every night and then has the cheek to send her to my mothers everyday. 

I finally reached my home and saw that Katelynne's car was in the driveway. I unlocked the door and went in to see Katelynne sat at the island in the kitchen. She looked up with a smile then her emotions suddenly changed. She was worried, scared? I don't know. Panicked, maybe?

"Uh Kell. What're you doing here? I thought you weren't coming back until next week?"

I sat down across from her and played it cool so I could see where this sudden panic came from. "Decided to come home earlier. I missed you and Cope. But that's not a problem, is it?"

I noticed she kept looking towards the door. Her eyes shifted as she looked at me and said "uh no, of course it's not, hunny". 

Just as she said that I heard the front door close with a bang. Both our eyes turned to the hallway ahead of the kitchen door. And then right infront of us a tall built man appeared. I stood up with such speed my chair fell and slid across the kitchen floor. 

"Fuck this. I knew it. I actually fucking knew it. We're done."

I decided it be best to not put up a major fight and stay as calm as I could. On my way up the stairs I could hear muttering from the kitchen. Honestly, I couldn't care less what they're saying, I just needed that one last string to snap until I left her.

As I got to my room I heard the front door close. I went to find my most valuable things that were most special to me and put them in a bag. My clothes could wait until after tour. Once I had everything I went back downstairs to see Katelynne with her head in her hands.

"You know, I really did love you" She looked up at me, her eyes tear stained.

"I'm sorry, Kellin, but I love him."

After hearing that I literally stormed out the door. I honestly had expected her to put up a fight but I'm apparently not even good enough for that. When I was out the door I saw him there. I walked straight up to him and punched him square on the nose causing him to drop to the ground. Now, I'm not one for fighting but who could blame me..

"You better look after her. I'll be back in a few months." I say to him before getting in my car and speeding off down the street.


short chapter i know! 

i struggle a lot to write scenes like this. I'm not good at anger haha! I'm sorry! i promise the other chapter will be much better after this!!<3

ON HOLD - My Love For You Was Bulletproof (Kellic Fanfic) -Kellin Quinn & Vic Fuentes-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora