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I started to cry even harder and some how back even more into the corner I was already fully submerged in. "What the fuck is wrong with you people!?" I screamed up at the two men "why would you mess with my head like this?". I suppose at the time I was being completely irrational. This poor Phil guy was fast asleep only a few minutes ago and was woken up by some mysterious girl crying in his bathroom. I could've been fucking anyone! He probably should've thrown me out by now or even have called the police but no, he tried to sympathize with the crying girl on his bathroom floor at 5am. And just to make it worse for him, he was accused of being a rapist. Dan on the other hand I had no sympathy for, and still fucking don't.

"Dan, what did you do?" Phil angrily asked Dan. Dan looked at me and then back at Phil. "I-I-I... don't know" Dan stuttered. "You bullshiter" I screamed at him "you fucking raped me". Dan looked at me shocked. He started to slowly walked towards me "I'm so-" Dan started but was interrupted by me. "Get the fuck away from me" I screamed feeling as though I was going to get sick. "But-" Dan tried again but was interrupted once again but this time by Phil. "Dan just get out" he said disappointedly. "But-" Dan protested. "GO" Phil shouted which obviously surprised Dan because he left immediately. It actually surprised me too. Even though I had only met Phil minutes ago he came across as a really calm person. Definitely not the shouting type. But when he did it was scary as shit.

"Are you alright?" he asked coming to sit down next to me. As soon as he sat down i felt this strange sense of safety. The type of feeling you should have when around your family. I had never felt this before and to be honest it felt amazing. Weird that it came from a complete stranger. "Y-yeah" I stuttered but then turned to him and smiled "I'm a big girl now". He smiled back and said "nobody should go through anything like that, not even a big girl". He began to get up. "You want a cup of tea?" he asked hold out a hand to help. I gladly accepted and were walking to the kitchen when he asked me something. Something I haven't been asked for a while. A simple little question with a simple little answer. "What is your name?" he asked me, "Melanie, Melanie Martinez" I said

He proceeded to make me tea and gave it to me in a Hello Kitty mug. No gender roles or anything but I'm guessing it's a bit of a joke between the two boys. We sat down at their kitchen table and took it in turns to talk about ourselves. He told me his name was Philip Micheal Lester and he was from the north. He told me that he was 29 years old. He told me about his mum and dad who he loved very much. He told me about his brother Martyn and Martyn's girlfriend Cornelia. He told me about how he loves anime and Buffy. He told me about his favourite bands, how he loves lions and that his biggest pet peeve is people talking during movies. He told me about his love for video games and all things internet. Last of all he told me that he made youtube videos for a living and that it was the best job he could ever dream of having.

I told him that my name was Melanie Adele Martinez and that I was from Brighton. I told him that I was 26 years old. I told him that I had a mother but she kicked me out when I was 17. I told him I had a father but he died when I was 15. I told him I had one older brother who I don't speak to any more. I told him that I loved American Horror Story and that my all time favorite movie was Chucky. I told him about my favourite bands and that I loved dolls because I saw something creepy and mysterious in them. I told him that I loved the internet and made youtube videos too.

"Oh wow really!? What's your channel name?" he asked. "Imnotacrybaby, no caps or spaces" I told him gladly "what about you?". He took a sip his tea and said "AmazingPhil, with caps and no spaces". I laughed "don't patronize me, Philip". We both looked at the floor awkwardly. "So Melanie, are you friends with anyone in the community?" Phil asked. "The community? -Oh you mean the youtube community! Um.. Yeah, I'm friends with Bethan Leadely , Melanie Murphy, Dodie Clarke, Daniel J. Layton, Hazel Hayes and people like that. I've only met them a few times in real life. I was invited to SitC last year but got really sick so I couldn't go or else I would've infected everyone". Phil looked at me excitedly "Oh my god, are you being serious? I'm really good friends with them too! I'm surprised we've never met before".

By this time it was about 7am and we were both wrecked and decided to sleep for a couple of hours. Phil offered me his bed but I refused and said I'd take the couch instead. Besides it's not his fault I'm here. If anything it should be Dan offering me his bed, Not that I'd take it anyway too many memories *shudders*.

I really liked Phil. He made me feel happy and that sense of safety. Quite unexpected from someone I've never met before. He was good looking. I liked the way his light blue eyes shined when he was talking about his interests or his family. I liked how tall he was and I liked his black 2007 inspired emo fringe. But most of all I liked the way he didn't judge me for what I was wearing or for the way I did my make up or for how my hair was dyed half (whichever Melanie Martinez hair colour is your favourite) , half black like most people do. I think that me and Phil are going to be great friends, maybe even more. I can't wait to talk to him more in the morning.


Word Count: 1086

Cry Baby // AmazingPhil/Danisnotonfire & Melanie Martinez Where stories live. Discover now