Fuck People. Love Yourself.

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"Nobody will ever understand you the way you understand yourself. No one will ever care for your feelings as much as you do for yourself. People are always gonna hurt you, doesn't matter how close they are to you. What sucks even more is that, when you get hurt, you seriously don't have a single person with you, who can make you feel better. Because as I look around myself I just see people who barely knows me. And the ones who doesn't know me at all thinks how brilliant my life actually is. The ones who are close to me are just here for the benefits they are getting from me. So basically it leaves you with yourself. You are everything you have. Never expect anything from anyone, never depend on anyone for your happiness and never even think that someone is gonna be there for you always because everyone eventually gives up on you. It's just you and yourself at the end of the day, which I think is all you need for having a happy life."
      "Love yourself and expect things from yourself. Because you will always have a control over that. But if a person disappoints you. It's clearly over that person. You have no choice or a say in it. So it's better not to expect things from anyone but yourself."

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