Purple Plastic

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Kendall's POV

I stared at the walls of the glistening plastic. And sat at the bench. Something whizzed by me and as i turned my fragile head someone with a killer mask appeared.

A book was thrown into my hands. The wind whizzed again and before I could open my eyes, all plastic was gone, no weird killer mask. Just my white dress and a book, of generations.

A sticky note was on it,

Flip to page '76' you'll find all 'H' generations. As I did so. I saw someone names Skyler Heid. Mother of, Liz Heid, who is the mother of, Bertha Conney, mother of, John Conney, father of, Marie Conney, (single) Mother of, Jackson Conney, Father of, Lindsey Vertes, Mother of, Jill Vertes, Mother of, Kendall Vertes, Mother of//UN UPDATED//

The book was snatched out of my hands by the one and only Marge.
She ran away and now my secret was out. I was going to be bullied now by Marge and Maddie, all because I'm related to Skyler Heid, suicidal princess. My x6 great grandmother.

Suicidal, strong.

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