Skyler Vertes

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Marge's POV

The whole night all I thought about was Skyler Heid. And how she was so similar to Kendall. Your probably like what? Kendall, noooo. But you don't realize. Here's my proof. Kendall is 'the queen' and so is Skyler. Secondly, we don't know how Kendall feels. She could be sucidal for all we know.

I ran up to Maddie with excitement.
"Hey! Guess what!" I said.
"Kendall is SKYLER HEID" I yelled really loudly.
"What?! She's from 1865. You can't be THAT stupid."
"Ugh, no. They could be related and they act the same. I mean what's your proof that there NOT alike?"
"Well firstly, Kendall's not suicidal."
"And we know what 100% how?"
"Shut up already Margaret."
"Well revenge? You do hate her right?"
"Yah, I guess so."
"Call her Skyler Heid."
"No, if we do that then she'll really become her with her suicidal ways"
I rolled my eyes then a wink and went to Central Park. I saw her in a purple plastic tube. She is so stupid.

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