Chapter 7

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A week after the accident they had the funeral. They were standing outside in the sun around the casket. Roy stood next to Joanne, his kids holding their mother's hand. The guys from the station were on his other side. Behind them was everyone that had known Johnny as a paramedic. Dixie, Brackett and Early had come. Johnny's aunt and uncle had come with a few more relatives that Roy didn't recognize.

As Roy walked up to give his eulogy he glanced down at his partner's lifeless face. He closed his eyes and remembered all the fun they'd had together. He smiled to himself before standing at the little podium beneath the weeping willow tree.

"I've known Johnny for six years," He bagan. "He and I did so much together, and maybe we didn't always get along, but at the end of the day I could always count on Johnny to have my back. Always." He paused before continuing. "I know I'm going to miss him, I know we all are... but even though this is a hard time, I would have never traded my friendship with Johnny for anything." He took a deep shaky breath. "I am eternally grateful for everything that he has done for me, and if it weren't for him I wouldn't be standing here right now. Johnny knew what he was getting himself into when he took this job, and I know that he never regretted his choice for one second, even at the very end." Roy looked out at all the teared up faces, he felt a lump rising in his throat. "He was my best friend, and I'm proud to say that." He was tearing up again. "Goodbye partner," he whispered as he let his head hang. He walked back to Joanne, she was crying. She reached out to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"He loved you," She whispered into his shirt. "He really did."

"I know," Said Roy softly. Joanne looked up at him and smiled.

When the funeral was over Roy and his family began to walk away.

"Hold on," he said as he turned back to the grave stone. Joanne nodded and continued walking towards their car, kids in tow. Everyone had gone, it was just Roy and Johnny. Just like old times, except now it was just Roy. He placed his hand on the gravestone and bowed his head trying to hold back the tears.

Roy remembered what Johnny had told him.

"Stay strong."

Roy looked back at his family waiting at the car for him. Johnny didn't need him anymore, but they did. He turned back to the grave stone. 

"I will," He said to the emptiness. "I will, for them."

Then he turned away and walked off, it felt like closing the book, it felt like the end.  

Author's Note: 

Okee, so thanks for reading that. I would say I had a lot of fun writing it but I really didn't, I kept crying. Also listening to the Merlin soundtrack while writing a sad thing does not help. 

As I mentioned before you can take "I love you" as platonic or not, whatever you personally feel like they meant. 

Anyhow I'd love to hear any comments you had on it, if you thought I should have changed something or anything like that, and also if you enjoyed reading it. 


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