Chapter 2

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When they arrived on the scene it was chaos. It was a huge abandoned flour mill and the whole thing was engulfed with flames.

"Kelly! Lopez! Pull a line on the south side." Cap yelled. Gage! DeSoto! Do a quick sweep for victims!" The men nodded as they donned their turnout gear and SCBAs. John looked at Roy as if asking for the ready signal, Roy gave a small nod of his head and together they plunged into the inferno.

The heat was radiating from all sides. Johnny felt as though he was being baked alive. They pushed through debris yelling to see if people were there.

"Fire department!" Yelled Roy as he burst down a door. "Fire Department!"

They moved down the hall, then they turned a corner, then another corner, they went up some stairs, they searched up, down and around all the huge pieces of machinery.

"Roy I don't think there's anyone here!" Yelled Johnny.

"Yeah!" He yelled back. "Let's get out of here!"

They turned to leave, but which way was out? They'd managed to get themselves hopelessly lost in a burning flour mill. There could be an explosion or collapse at any time, they had to find the exit.

"Do you remember which way we came?" Johnny called to Roy. Roy paused for a moment, then looked at his partner. Through the mask Johnny could see the fear and distress on Roy's face. He shook his head.


"Well let's start this way!" Said Johnny pointing in a random direction. They ran towards the stairs, Johnny leading the way.

Roy saw it before it happened, he felt it, the tug in his gut.

"JOHNNY!" He screamed as he grabbed at him, then the whole ceiling collapsed on top of them.

Cap looked up at the building, a huge plume of ash, smoke, and flames erupted from the 4th floor as it collapsed. He looked around, making sure all of his men were accounted for... Where were John and Roy? He'd sent them in nearly 10 minutes ago... Had they gotten out in time? He Raced over to Chet and Marco.

"Have you seen Gage and Desoto?" He asked trying to control the panic he felt rising in his chest. Chet looked at Marco, his eyes widening. "Did they get out?" Asked Cap.

"No..." Chet's voice caught as he realized.

"Get in there and find them," Cap ordered them. They nodded, knowing the importance of their task. "Bill!" He yelled to another captain. "I've got two men in there! We need back up!" With a nod the captain of station 127 began ordering his men about.

Captain Stanley took off his helmet and ran his hand through his disheveled hair. He didn't even think there was anyone in there, why did he send them in to look? He grabbed the radio.

"L.A. this is engine 51, respond an additional squad to our location and an ambulance."

"10-4 51"

He stood back and watched, silently praying that they were still alive to need that squad.  

For Lack of a Happy Ending (Emergency Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now