Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

            Neither the pistol nor the penetrating blue stare ever wavered from Sterling. “Aye, Lieutenant. You may begin searching the premises.”

            “There is no need.” Sterling blurted, “She is on the second floor, third door down.”

            Dorian remained as Stefan left the room in search of Ginelle. “Just to ensure her safety, I intend to marry her. There will be no need for me to explain what will happen if you have any notions of kidnapping my wife?”

            Sterling nodded grimly. “I give you my word.”

            Dorian took a step back from Sterling and slowly lowered the pistol. A feminine gasp penetrated the silence and he turned and felt his heart somersault against his chest as his eyes met the dewy-brown eyes of the woman he loved.

            He leveled another hard stare on Sterling before crossing the room and taking Ginelle’s arm firmly in one hand and began leading her towards the door.

            She pulled away and said softly, “I have a small request?”

            Dorian glanced at Sterling before meeting her wide, hopeful stare. “Now is not the time, mon peu l'un.”

            Her hand fluttered to rest lightly on his forearm as she stared up at him, “I wish to take Thora with me.”

            His black brows knitted together with puzzlement. “Who?”

            Ginelle turned and peered into the corner where a thin silhouette hovered. Dorian lifted his head and motioned for the girl to come forward.

            The girl stepped toward them, her dark head downcast as Dorian studied her a moment. “Come, girl.” He ordered.

            Sterling snorted with disgust as he downed another glass of brandy. “Take the half-witted wench. She is of no use to me any how.” He tossed the glass across the room and stalked away, mumbling curses beneath his breath.

            Ginelle’s heart tightened in her chest as Thora’s expression wavered by the harsh retort. She reached out and seized Thora’s hand, squeezing gently as she said, “Come Thora.”



            The journey back to Ashford was anything but rejoicing. The four of them remained silent as the carriage transported them along the winding road back to London.

            Ginelle continued to peer over at Dorian from beneath lowered lashes, her thoughts increasingly worried for he had rarely said a word or even looked at her since leaving Cambridge. She felt his anger emanating from his body as his face took on a hardened mask that revealed nothing of his emotions. She wondered than if he still believed she carried Stefan’s child?

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