A Sequel in the Morning - Poetry by D.e.e.L

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"What is this?"

"A funny story."

"Is it gory?"

"Oh, no...sorry."

"Well then, I won't read it!"

"Well that's okay."

"You really mean it?"


"Alright, fine! I'll read it."

"Well that was easy..."

"What'd you say?"

"It's kind of breezy."

"Oh...right...yea it is today."

"So what's this story about?"

"Why don't you just read it?"

"I want a brief summary first, to see if I need it."

"That isn't fair. You should trust me, it's great."

"Well I haven't been able to trust you much as of late..."

"That doesn't matter, that's all in the past."

"But wounds do not heal, at least not that fast."

"You want an apology? I did that already."

"I know you did, and I'm healing quite steady."

"Please read this it's good. I spent all night writing it, woke up in mud."

"In mud?"

"Yes mud, I was writing outside. The moon was clear, but my notions aside. I fell asleep in the lawn, from what I can remember. But when I woke up I had rolled left, to the mud pit near Denver's."

"I thought he was going to fill that pit up?"

"Me too, but I guess not. This mud is like syrup."

"I thought that was hair gel."

"And I fought it this morning?"

"Your temper is awful, it was possible."

"And corny."

"Well, don't get snappy, it's not my fault."

"That my morning was crappy?"

"Yea, get over it...just...vault."

"Vault over my morning and into my day?"

"That's a way to see it. Live it, not decay."

"Well listen to you. 'Mr. Healing from the past', you speak all this gibberish, but ponder the vast."

"That was different and you know it to be true."

"No way no how, it's all just you."

"Well, fine then...I'll read it. Without a summary or plot, I'll read it and probably hate it. You know I hate reading a lot."

"Good, just sit there, take this book in your hands. Read this story and tell me if it reaches your demands."

"Ha...it starts off funny. I do like that line."

"I told you, I told you, my writing is divine."

"Don't get to ahead of yourself, you misspelled a word."

"Where which one? You're being absurd!"

"This one here. Can't you see it like day?"

"That's how it's...supposed to be...I meant it that way."

"Whatever you say. I'll believe you for now; this story is quite funny, even if it's about a cow."

"That's just the backdrop, the scenery if you will. It's really about..."

"Shhh, I'm reading it still!"

"Oh, of course. I'll just sit here and wait. You're reading too slowly, it's getting so late."

"Well I certainly can't finish this story tomorrow, for though it is funny I sense a great sorrow. If I go to sleep without knowing the end I fear I'll have nightmares."

"It's okay my friend."

"Have you finished? Do you like it? Do tell, do tell!"

"I definitely enjoyed it, but must sit down for a spell."

"But you were just sitting the entire time you read, oh, forget it, I hope you don't dread..."

"No, no, no such thing. I'm simply exhausted. That story was brilliant, I nearly lost it."

"Lost it you say?"

"Yes, most undoubtedly so."

"And how's that may I ask?"

"Does it not show?"


"As I was reading, I began with a laugh, but then became frightened and scared for the calf, and the cow that was haunted by that mean dastardly clown. My word, that was scary, I began to frown!"

"Well, it's all over now. I appreciate you reading. There is a sequel in the works..."

"Oh no...I'll be sleeping..."

"But when you wake up..."

A Sequel in the Morning - Poetry by D.e.e.LМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя