Are You Still My Family?

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Mika stopped at one little place at the very old bench. It was facing at the park. "I remember this place," (Y/N) looks at the old, broken, rusted swings and park. "I remember when we would go there. You would find me there alone." "Yeah, good memories." Mika smiles.

Hearing footsteps behind them was Yuu. "Yuu...-Chan?" Mika looked surprised. "(Y/n)! Mika!" Yuu catches up. "What are you doing here?" (Y/n) asks. "Yuu," Mika looks away.

"Well... It looks like you guys are united," Yuu walks away. "Like I'm your family now." (Y/N) started to look confused. "I never remember you in the Hyakuya family," (Y/N) grows more confused. "Yeah well guess what!" Yuu said. "Because of you, all of the Hyakuya family is dead! It's all your fault!" Yuu starts to stomp off.

"Yuuichiro Hyakuya!" Mika slaps Yuu. "Your my family too! Along with (Y/n)! For once I'm with the the family members I have left! I don't like how our lives turned into! Just stop! I don't want to feel heartless again!" (Y/n) and Yuu were shocked at Mika's speech. (Y/n) fell to her knees.

"You shouldn't say that... Mika," (Y/n) said with no emotion. "Your not the one that's heartless. It's me. I never got to tell you all thing that happened to me. I have no superiors who supported me. You're right, Yuu. I was the one who made others die. I'll have to leave you guys now like I did before." (Y/n) got up and walked away.

"(Y/n)..." Mika reached his hand to (Y/n). (Y/n) was slowly disappearing. Then, (Y/n) collapses on the floor. Her (e/c) eyes became bigger and bigger.

"(Y/n), No..." Mika started to cry.

Let Me See That Smile Again (Mika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now