Jenny slapped her hands over her mouth and started shaking her head violently. Why the fuck did she still not believe him? It was starting to frustrate him and it was dragging this whole thing out even more.

"Go!" Zayn shouted now, he heard his voice bounce and echo in the big hall. And he saw the reaction that it had on her.

"Fuck you!" Jenny screamed back. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what is really going on?"

"Jesus, are you stupid or something. Do I have to spell it out for you? I don't like you. You were just another fuck for the weekend. That's all. I don't want to see you again. Now take your money and get out." He shoved the cheque at her and she grabbed it and tore it up and threw the pieces on the floor. Then she grabbed the other cheque from inside her bag and did that same to that. She was crying now.

"I don't want your money. I don't want your filthy, disgusting money." She was sobbing now. Zayn wanted to throw himself across the room and comfort her, to pull her into his arms and tell her how much he loved her and would always love her. Tell her that he was being forced to do this, that he had no other choice.

Fuck, he couldn't do this. Looking at her now he didn't care if Amir became king. He didn't care if Amir fucked the country up, bled the coffers dry, stole from the people and ruled over the land with...

At that Amir slithered out of the shadows and his cold black eyes fell upon Zayn. He had been watching and listening this whole time. Zayn looked at him, and all he saw now was pure evil. Giving a man like that a country, would be like pouring fuel on a fire. Visions of Hitler and Stalin and other rulers and dictators that had torn a country to threats, started wars, made it's people poor for their own greed and gain, flashed through his head.

He could not allow Amir to be king, and that meant letting Jenny go. His father was dying, and it was his father's final wish for him. Zayn watched as Jenny stood there, tears rolling down her cheeks. He heard another noise and Rafiq walked up to him.

Jenny grabbed her bag and it slipped from her wet, tear-stained hands.

"Don't you think we should search her bag before she leaves." Amir said stepping out from the shadows even more.

"What?" Zayn swung around and faced him. "We don't need to search her bag."

But it was too late. Amir gestured for a guard to take her bag. Jenny protested loudly as he started pulling things out. She turned to Zayn and begged him to make it stop. She looked confused, and hurt and desperate and he hated himself right now.

Suddenly the guard stopped and turned around, the ruby necklace dangling from his hands.

"What?" Jenny gasped. "I didn't.... I don't know how that got in there, It isn't I wasn't..."

Zayn glanced over at Amir, the fucking snake had planted it. He reached for the necklace and grabbed it from the guard's hands. He marched up to Amir and shoved it in his face.

"We both know that she didn't take this."

"I didn't take it," Jenny shouted. "I promise, I didn't."

Zayn glared at Amir and his demeanor suddenly changed. A wicked smile washed over his face and he walked towards Jenny.

"Maybe it was a misunderstanding then. Maybe she didn't mean to borrow it." He said slyly. Zayn froze. What the hell was he playing at?

"But I think we can all agree that it's time for her to go. Her little act is over now." He turned and looked at Zayn. "Since you two seem to have fallen out, I'll do you a favor cousin, I'll personally escort her off this island so you don't have to deal with her."

He made a move for Jenny and was just about to reach her when Rafiq shouted.

"Arrest her. Guards, arrest her. Take her to the palace holding cell, she's a thief."

"What?" Zayn swung around and couldn't believe what was happening. Suddenly the guards grabbed Jenny and Zayn couldn't take it anymore, he made a move to try and pull one off.

"Arrested her now!" Rafiq bellowed even louder this time.

Zayn swung around and caught Rafiq's eye. Rafiq gave him the tiniest nod and his mouth opened. He mouthed some words and Zayn was sure he said...

"Trust me."

Zayn looked at Rafiq and Rafiq gave him another small nod.

Zayn turned around again, "Arrest her." He said. "Do as Rafiq says and take down to the holding cell."

As Jenny was being dragged away kicking and screaming, Zayn looked over at Amir and he looked angrier than he had ever seen him before. Clearly Amir had not wanted Jenny in jail. But why?

Acting Royal #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now