Just a Piece of the Action

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Hej guys, whoever will read this ^^

Welcome back or welcome new or just welcome!

1Abby3 (that's me!) is presenting you ..... *drums* ..... Just a Piece of the Action!

For all those who have never heard of the two girls in this story, they are part of a chart topping group in the 80s! The one, the only, the unique BUCKS FIZZ!

If you want to know more about those quads, look up YouTube or the fanfics of a very good friend of mine, abbagirl14! She's a brilliant writer and I owe her so much knowledge and a perfect idea, without her I wouldn't write that story now.

If you don't want to know more about those quads, I'll be okay with it, just read on (although I can just recommend the Fizz to you), you'll understand the story without any knowledge about the historical background, too.

Because it's mainly a story about an extraordinary friendship, a friendship strong enough to master life!

I don't want to spoil too much so just read!

And enjoy!


Love y'all!

PS: And remember: it's all just a Piece of the Action...

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