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September (Before)

"Okay, just listen, will you?"
"What?" I groaned, looking up from my phone at Max, one of my best friends since middle school. He's the kind of person who could pass for someone still in middle school if he put effort into it. He's that childish and playful kid in your class who makes jokes all the time and talks to litteraly everyone.

"Get off your phone, you see that girl?" he asks, leaning closer on the cafeteria table.
He slightly nods in the girl's direction, leading my gaze to my left, to this blonde, also known as Brianna Winsley.
I roll my eyes, turning my gaze back to him.


"Well, I want you to help me get her,"

"Not again? You have a new girl in mind every damn week, Max,"

"This time it's not the same, in 3rd period this morning, she asked for a pen, and you should've seen the way she looked at me, man, it was clear she wanted me,"

"Lord, I would love to be this confident," I rolled my eyes once more, taking the sandwich that was sitting in my tray in between my fingers. "Do you know where Scar is?" I asked, not having seen her since this morning.

"Nah, last time I've seen her, we were in math class. Mr.Grenwall was more boring than usual, if that's even fucking possible," he grinned, taking his phone out of his pocket, "It's only 12:30, she might still be in class. I think she had an exam,"
Scar is none other than Scarlett, my true best friend. You know, the one who knows every inch of you and decides to stay despite all your weird and creepy secrets.

Today was September 24th, I still wasn't used to being in between those concrete walls, on which there had been several attempts to be painted in vivid colors, only resulting in faded yellowish beige tints.
Our school wasn't a building I would define as modern or pretty. It was crowded and plain, it looked and felt like a prison for teenagers, and it resembled a carton box that was about to crumble.
I may complain, but I would miss this school, as hard as it is to admit.
We're seniors now, prom is just around the corner and so is the after party. Kids nowadays put much more effort into the after prom than the prom itself, and I'm not going to lie, so do I.
Prom is cool and all, you get pretty and get to feel like a princess for one day, but the after prom?
It's a whole different level. It's your last chance to have the time of your life with all you friends, to get drunk with the people you've spent your entire high school experience with.
I'm not much of a fan of alcohol, the taste being ridiculously digusting, but I'm for the life of the party.

I put the last piece of my sandwich in my mouth and licked my fingers, before looking up at Max, who was by now texting someone.
"Get off your phone," I mocked, earning a slight smirk from him.
"Sorry, I'm just texting my friend,"

"Yeah, I've noticed," I replied, opening my juice box.
I put a strand of hair behind my ear, trying to keep it from falling in my face and rubbed my eyes, feeling the exhaustion creep in.

"Hey guys!"

"Scar!" I said with excitment as I saw her petite figure appear behind Max.
She was wearing a flowerprint sundress, with nude shoes and gold rings in her fingers. If you want to talk about stereotypes, well Scarlett Everdeen is that sweet and innocent girl who's nice to everyone, who has that perfect white smile and perfect report card.
She's a girl everyone wants to be friends with. Every girl wants to be her and every guy wants to screw her, it's as simple as that.
It's of course all an illusion, her dark brown curls and her tan skin show perfection, but deep inside she has scars that are scarier than my weird and creepy secrets.
She's my best friend, and even though I'm tired of guys going through me to get to her, I love her with all my heart.

"Sorry, I was taking an english test, which I aced," she giggled proudly, taking a fork in between her delicate fingers.

"Of course you did," Max replied, still eyes locked on his phone screen.

"Shocker," I replied, chuckling at her pride. She had straight A's all the time, don't you get used to it eventually?

"Anyway, are you guys going to Noah's party tomorrow night? I feel like going, I just don't want to be alone," Scar said, wrapping a strand of hair around her finger, "It looks like a really good time,"

Noah was this really popular junior who hung out most of the time with older kids. His girlfriend was a girl in our grade and so were the majority of his friends. He threw massive house parties almost every week, and I attended each one. He really threw the best parties.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it," I grinned, digging my spoon in my yogurt container, "Weird shit always happens there, I want to see that,"

"Perfect then,"

"I'll probably be stopping by as well- Oh fuck! Almost had it this time," Max suddenly yelled, clearly playing a game on his phone. He didn't look up, simply furrowed his eyebrows at his screen, confused, "This game is shit,"

"Why do you keep playing it if it's shit?" Scar asked, standing up to put the remainings of her food in the trash can.
She adjusted her dress, put a strand of hair behind each ear and picked up her books from the table, "Gotta go, I'm in history,"

I looked at the clock and decided to follow her, "I'm going to head to class as well, see you later,"

"Wait for me, Lara, we're in spanish," Max called from behind me and I rolled my eyes, considering I absolutely suck in spanish and had forgotten all about it.

"I hate having spanish 5th period,"

"I hate having it all the time," Max replied, running his fingers through his dirty blonde locks.

We made our way to our classroom, dragging our feet lazily to the back of class, waiting for the clock to take. I sat down at my usual desk and Max followed my movements, sitting in the seat right next to mine. I looked up, leaned back on my chair and crossed my arms over my chest, letting out a sigh.
Through the door came William and Nick, probably the two prettiest creatures you will ever lay eyes on.
William was the hipster type. He had glasses and dark brown hair, always styled perfectly. He was one of my very good friends, and I would lie if I ever said that I had never fantasized about him. He had a signature style; flannels and ripped jeans, white tees and beanies. He was hot. No doubt about it, he was something.
Nick on the other hand, stereotypical hottie there is in every high school. He has all the girls' attention without particularly doing anything. A very outgoing person, friendly and popular. He has dark brown hair, and deep brown eyes. I didn't know a lot about him, I just knew he was one of the best hockey players in our school.

"They are so hot," I whispered to Max, who was flipping through the pages of our spanish activity books.
"Want me to tell them? Hey! Will, Nick?"

I rolled my eyes and gave him a death glare, "Shut up you jerk," I whispered-yelled as Nick made his way towards our desks.

"'Sup, Carson?" he asked, bro-fisting Max.

"You're going to Noah's tomorrow, right?" he asked, slightly turning his gaze to me, winking.

I rolled my eyes and turned my gaze to my books, listening to their conversation still.

"Yeah, wouldn't miss that shit for anything,"

"Dope, we're going too,"

"We?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, me, Scar and Lara right there," he replied, gesturing to my desk.

I looked up at Nick and gave a slight wave and an awkward smile, "That would be me,"

Who could've known it would turn out like this?


Hi lovelies, I'm starting a new story! It doesn't mean I won't be writing Blackmailed anymore, it is still my main priority right now.
Tell me what you think of this story so far! Love you all


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