Some words

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I could tell you a lot of things

I could tell you my problems

But we wouldn't be scraping the bottom of the barrel would we?

Even if I was at the end of a barrel of a gun

I would die with my words.

Words we write
The words we say
They are tragically

Who the fuck did this to us?

Honey, we've only just begun.

I don't just write this,
I don't just say this tonight,

But I feel this.

You could ask me, "why do you write so inspiring sayings?" Or "What makes you thrive to do these kinds of things?" Maybe even "who destroyed your mind, darling?"

My response I could only tell you, "don't worry about it."

But tonight,
Tonight as I sit on silky, ivory green bedsheets, on a bed that I barely sleep in but just sit here. Staring at these pitiful empty walls, I will tell you. I will tell you my twisted and derogatory story, that turned my mind devastating.

I'm scum.

I'm worse than scum.

I'm worse than the dirt on the bottom of your shoes.

I don't care about me. I have eighty bucks to my name, a high school diploma, hell, that's more than some kids have. I care more about others around me thinking, "you could be so much more than this life has given you so far." Not one damn person, no one, would understand.

I'm a grunt.

I'm the least likely person to succeed, to see my dreams come true.

Growing up, people asked,"what do you want to be when you're older?"

"English professor"
"Physical therapist"
"Motivational speaker"
"Forensic psychologist"

"But you have to work hard, want it harder, be motivated more to want it above everyone else."

"But you need money for that"

"But you have to go to school"

Fuck everyone else, we all have our different paths. We're not here to tear each other down and push each other down just to be on top of the world.

We're here to motivate each other. To help each other. To build each other up.

Yeah, I also need a job, but I can't when every job in this dead end town doesn't give me the hours I need.

What could I learn in school, when I can learn from the world around me? There's so much more to life, than school. I'm not saying "don't go to school" because it can help your future. But when am I ever gonna use the equation to find the circumference of a circle?  Or an algebraic equation to figure out how much change I should get back from the cashier?

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