You sigh again before rubbing your temple, "Just go already." and with that, they left the two of you alone.

The boy sniffs from the ground, making you turn your attention to him. He starts fidgeting in an uncomfortable manner.

"Relax, I won't hurt you." You softly speak, making him look at you in the eyes.

You slowly reach your hand out which he stares for a while as if he's debating with himself if he should take your help. After a few seconds, he slowly accepts your offer. You help him stand with a hand placed on his lower back while his arm is on your shoulder. You guide him until you reached the bench at the entrance of the alley. Carefully sitting him down, you sigh.

"Do you have a phone? Think you can call someone to fetch you?" He nods, grabbing the device from his hoodie's pocket before he starts ringing someone up.

You hear him silently speak with someone from the other line, which you didn't bother eavesdropping as it was still a private phone call.

"They'll be here in ten minutes... " You hear the boy softly say, making you look at him.

You nod. "That's good. Do you want to eat or drink anything? I can get something in the bar?" He seems to be contemplating.

Realizing what you said, you immediately add. "Don't worry, they have juice and foods for minors inside, if that's what you're worried about." He nods in understandment but declined anyway. "The hyungs and I will be getting something to eat on the way home anyway so... I think I'll be fine for now."

You hum as you nod, not even bothering to insist the boy more. Leaning your back on the light post, you roam your eyes around the silent street with a minimal volume of music heard from the bar in the background. You let yourself eye both ends of the street until it lands back on the boy.

He's wearing a simple black pants with a black oversized hoodie on the top, which didn't really cover the cut he received on his lower neck. You feel yourself softening at the sight.

"It'll be a bother to ask if you're okay, considering what happened to you a minute ago." You start a conversation, "Why did those guys beat you up?"

You see the boy slightly blinking his eyes, opening his fists as he stares down on his hands. Pursing your lips, you ask again. "Do you know why they did that?" After a second, he lightly shakes his head.

You sigh. You can tell that the boy was pretty much shaken up by sudden gang up on him, which is a totally normal reaction for any normal being. Tilting your head to the side, you continue eyeing him. "I'm sorry on their behalf. I don't really belong in their people but I knew who they are. If it'll make you at ease, I'll talk to them."

This surely caught the boy's attention as he suddenly raises his head to look at you, rapidly shaking his head with both hands also declining. "N-No! You don't have to do that! I-I'll be fine!"

Observing the boy, you instantly know the reason why he's afraid to let you talk to them. "I assure you, they wouldn't lay another hand on you. They know me enough to know that I'm not someone to mess with. You have my word."

The boy seems confused with your words, probably mentally asking who you are but you act as if you didn't notice. A honk was sent to the both of you which was surely meant to alert the boy of his 'hyungs' appearance.

"Lee Chan? What in the world happened to you?!" The guy with a white mask on exclaims in a frantic manner as the two of them run out of the car.

The QueenKa | 𝙱𝚃𝚂 [ 𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 ]Where stories live. Discover now