Chapter 25

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Maedbh's POV

“I was coming to find you.” His words shock me although I shouldn’t be surprised. He’d seen Harry and I’s fight. He’d been so upset when I’d said he wouldn’t be coming back. I’d never imagined he would try to find Harry. It takes a bit, but we finally pull the story from him. How he’d walked to the train station, but hadn’t had enough money to get all the way there so he went as close as he could, hoping Harry wouldn’t live too far from there. He apparently had asked people there if they knew where Harry Styles lived, but no one would help him. Not that that surprised me. Even if one of the people he did ask knew, who would tell an 8 year old boy where a famous popstar lived?  I caught Harry’s eye when Caellum finished his story, seeing the serious expression on his face.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” He nods his head, following me out into the hall. I close the door before turning to face him. “Look, I know I have no right to ask you this after… everything, but Cae really looks up to you. And I just…Whenever you’re home, would you please visit him? You can go when I’m not there that’s fine he just—“

“Ok” he cuts me off.

“Wait what?” I ask in surprised. I hadn’t expected him to agree that easily.

“Maedbh, just because nothing’s going to happen between us, doesn’t mean I don’t care about him. Of course I’ll visit him. He’s a great kid.” I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. Once again, he proves just how genuine of a guy he is. Just how big of a mistake I’d made. We fall silent and my gaze drops to my feet as I shift awkwardly, not sure if I should just go back in or stay out here and try to think of something to say to him.

“Luke and I broke up,” I tell him, not daring to look up. He doesn’t say anything so I finally force my eyes up to see his reaction. His face was blank as he watched me, as if the news didn’t surprise him at all.

“And?” he asks curtly.

“I just…I just thought you should know.” I say hesitantly. He sighs, shaking his head.

“It doesn’t change anything. I told you already. I’m done. I’m here for Caellum and that’s it.” To hear him say that hurts. I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t that. I guess I’d been hoping that he’d start trying again. That now that Luke was out of the picture, he’d become my Harry again. But I guess I was wrong. I watch as he walks back into the room to talk to Caellum and explain that he would still come see him. I couldn’t stay here and watch him so I head down to the cafeteria and get a cup of coffee.

“Is everything alright?” I look up to see Uncle Simon standing in front of me. “I saw Harry upstairs.”

“Yea, I’m ok,” I lie, looking down at my cup.

“I was surprised to see him here.” I nod in agreement. “Is there something you want to talk about?”

“Uncle Si…” I whine. He sighs.

“Look, I know I’m probably not the one you’d want to talk about this with. God knows your mom was so much better at this kind of thing. I just want you to know that I’m here if you want to talk.”

“I just… I made a mistake and I think it’s too late to fix it.”

“You’re not pregnant are you?” he blurts.

“What? No!” I exclaim. “No, I just think I finally pushed Harry too far.”

“Oh thank god,” he breathes as my eyes widen. “No, it’s not that,” he says with a shake of his head. “ I just thought it was worse. He’s been chasing after you since the start. Whatever you did, I’m sure it’s only temporary. He’ll come around.”

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