Chapter Sixty Five ~Epilogue~

Start from the beginning

"Ew, what is that smell? Is that you?" We both laughed at one another.

"Right, come on. Best not keep those two old fogies waiting."

We entered the grand study. The large desk in the centre of the room housed three chairs - two behind it and one in front of it. There was a globe in the corner and the walls were covered in maps. The curtains had been pulled back and light streamed in, casting a bright glow on the two figures behind the desk.

The one on the left was a woman. She had wavy, brown hair down to her middle back with no traces of any grey hairs. She wore a beautiful, emerald green dress with a pair of black ankle boots and a black cardigan. Her face bore a few wrinkles - mainly laugh lines around her eyes and mouth, due to the fact that she found my Podge absolutely hilarious. The woman in front of me was my Nana, and she was just as gorgeous as I remembered her being. Her dazzlingly bright blue eyes were glittering back at me with a certain charm and allure. I, however, had not received those eyes, which was quite a disappointment to me. I would forever be jealous of them.

My Podge - or grandfather, as normal people would call him - was beside her. His scarred, wrinkled hand sat atop hers on the desk. He was in a navy blue suit, something which looked like he had been forced into it by his wife. He too wore the same laugh lines on his face, and his features had grown smoky since the last time I had seen him. A mop of dark, brown hair, laced evenly with greys, sat on top of his head. It had been combed through, but there had been no other attempt made to tame it. He had brown eyes the colour of tea without milk.

Jacob and Carina Frye.

The two of them stood at the sight of me with wide smiles, before they both bundled me into a warm hug.

"Nana, Podge, I missed you." I breathed into Nana's shoulder.

"We missed you too, wee one." Podge answered in a deep voice.

"How have you both been? Well, I hope." I asked once we were finished embracing.

"We have been amazingly well. How is Ethan - your father?"

"He is very well. He told me to tell you not to worry about him." Nana grinned and chuckled loudly.

"Your Podge here finally had that leak repaired in the other wing."

"Podge, it has been there forever. You have only just had it mended?" He smirked.

"I always said I wanted to live by a lake. But your Nana got annoyed with all of the migrating ducks appearing in the west wing." I giggled.

"There were in no way any ducks in there."

"There may as well have been." I smiled again. "I suppose you are curious as to what you are doing here?"

"Yes, actually. I tried to occupy myself with a book in the carriage, but I couldn't help wondering."

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