It was 3 days until I got a call; I knew because I liked counting. Saturday. That meant it would be a long visit. Maybe he'd be sleeping over. I'd have time to talk to him.

I booked it to Zoë's, who lived 3 blocks away. I knocked hastily. Zoë opened the door, and saw right away how flustered I was.

"Oh my, come in. I'll get you water. They're downstairs playing video games. They'll be down there for a while."

I hugged her, and thanked her for doing this for me.

"It's no problem. I've heard the rumours, and I know rumours suck. I want to help as much as I can."

We heard them yelling in the basement every now and then, but not much else. They seemed pretty into whatever game they were playing.

"Hey," Zoë started. "You're a gamer, right? Maybe we could go and play with them. My brother and I get along really well, I don't think he'd mind at all."

"Really? Sure!"

I'm going to meet him! I can introduce myself, and hang out with him a bit before asking him any questions. This is perfect!

"Cool! I'll text Liam and ask."

Zoë pulled out her phone, texted her brother, then set it down on the kitchen table.

"He's probably going to finish his game before he replies, so I'll make some lunch. Grilled cheese ok?"

"Oh, you don't have to. You're already doing so-"

"It's fine, don't worry. I was going to make something anyways."

"I already ate before I got here. It's fine. If I'm hungry, I'll let you know."

When Zoë finished cooking, her brother texted, saying it was fine. She ate here grilled cheese quickly, and we went downstairs.

I saw him for the first time. He was... Beautiful. His hair was styled similarly to mine, and it was a dark brown colour. Just like his eyes.

"Hey guys! This is Dan. He's in some of my classes. He's cool."

I waved shyly. He looked down and smiled slightly.

"Hey Liam, could I talk to you upstairs for a minute?" Zoë asked.

"Um... Dan is that ok with you?"

"Uh, yeah. That's ok." He sounded shy and unsure.

"I'll only be a minute."

I knew that look. Zoë... She had a plan. The siblings went upstairs, leaving Dan and I alone.

I counted to 20 before I decided to speak up.

"I'm Phil, by the way."

"I'm Dan." He blushed. "Oh... But you already knew that.

I grinned at him. "So what game were you guys playing before? You both were yelling a lot."

He laughed. "MarioKart. I kept beating him." He looked up. "Do you play?"

"Sometimes. I'm not too great though. I just play for fun."

"Oh, cool."

Dan and I ended up bonding over music and similar tastes in shows while waiting for the Turners to come back downstairs. We had more in common than I thought we would. But I was a man on a mission, and there was a question I needed to ask. I waited for a good time, when there was some silence.

"Hey, is it ok if I ask you about something?"

"I guess it depends on the question."

"I heard the rumour about you. I don't care if it's true or not, I just wanted to ask if you're alright?"

So He Called Me Pinocchio {Phan}Where stories live. Discover now