Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 2)

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"Hey! We're here! Wake up!"

She looked around, realized that they were at the arena, she quickly forgot about her dream, and her excitement returned.

Inside of the arena, Bray had already met many fans, took pictures with them, and signed autographs. Something felt different about this day, he would sometimes feel the presence of Sister Abigail close to him, but he put these thoughts out of his head. Abigail had died fifteen years ago, but he still missed her, maybe he was delusional to some people for talking about spirits, but a part of him wanted to believe that Abigail's spirit was still out there, and that she was still searching for him. Bray enjoyed meeting people, it was a chance to connect with the fans. Meanwhile, Carlie and her family were entering the arena, her mom and brother were fans of John Cena, and her dad was a fan of Dean Ambrose, they decided to split up so they could all see their favorites. She couldn't stand John Cena and didn't want to be seen standing in line with her brother and mom to see John Cena. As for Dean Ambrose, she could understand why people would like him, he was obviously one of the better wrestlers WWE had. She liked Dean Ambrose, but her loyalty belonged to Bray if she had to choose. Dean and Bray had always been rivals, she couldn't really go to see Dean Ambrose if she was wearing a Bray Wyatt t-shirt, it wouldn't make much sense. Carlie was kind of glad she could go see Bray alone, she was twenty one after all, she didn't need her family around her every second of every day, plus she would want her family to embarrass her in front of Bray. There were so many things she wanted to say to him. She was really lucky because a security guard told her that she would be the last one to see him. People were disappointed, but were told that they could meet him after the show if they were willing to stay. Carlie was the very last one in line, this was a good thing and a bad thing. There would be no one behind her that would judge her for what she said, but that would only mean that she would have a limited time to see him. With a limited time, she wouldn't really have time to say the things she wanted to say. People would stand in lines for hours just to meet their heroes, while most of the world looked at Bray as some kind of monster, Carlie couldn't help but feel a connection to Bray. Carlie knew everything about Bray, she followed his WWE career ever since his WWE debut. She would find a few videos on Youtube from his FCW and NXT days. She found every Bray Wyatt promo on Youtube that she could find and watched them all over and over again. She felt like she had so much to learn from Bray. It was hard to get every single detail since Bray was in NXT before the WWE Network, but she paid close attention to him ever since his WWE debut in the summer of 2013. Not everyone understood what Bray said during his promos, but one of his early promos about Sister Abigail really got her attention. He said, he was there when she took her final breath, which would mean that she is no longer living.

She seemed to understand Bray more than she did the rest of the family. Luke Harper was also skilled on the mic, as well as in the ring. Other than Bray, Carlie thought that Luke Harper was one of the more skilled members of The Wyatt Family. She liked Erick Rowan, but she noticed that in most of their matches, if The Wyatt Family lost, it was always Erick Rowan that was pinned. She wanted to give Braun Strowman a chance, but honestly, is it really wrestling if you can knock someone down by just barely moving. Most would use the analogy of running into a brick wall to describe Braun Strowman, he wasn't really that impressive at all. There was a time when The Wyatt Family split, but were reunited again, it would have been interesting to see Bray and Luke have a match to see who had the better wrestling skills. Luke had been in other wrestling programs before WWE so Carlie actually leaned more towards Luke, but if WWE was going to focus on one member of the family, it was probably going to be Bray, unless Vince wanted to get behind Braun because of his size and strength. Sometimes it can be hard being a Bray Wyatt fan because Bray seems to lose more than he seems to win, Carlie wondered, will WWE ever give Bray a chance, people were getting behind Bray, so why would they continue to push guys like Roman Reigns? She realized that it was because of Vince and what the people in charge of WWE wanted, they continue to ignore Bray and push Roman because Vince believes that they have found the next face of the company. Carlie didn't hate Roman Reigns, but it didn't seem fair to her that he always seemed unbeatable. He was becoming the next John Cena, she hated those comparisons, but it seemed true, it did seem like Roman was unbeatable. It wasn't just Roman, ever since The Shield debut, WWE has always seemed to focus on the members of The Shield. Seth had been Mr. Money in the bank, then became WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and even United States Champion at the same time. Roman had become a two time WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Dean Ambrose had never really been WWE World Heavyweight Champion, but he did run around with it. Carlie had heard about everyone complaining about Dean Ambrose not getting a chance, he had been United States Champion, Intercontinental Champion, and had several opportunities to fight for the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Carlie knew her Wyatt Family history and knew that so far Bray's first and only opportunity he has had to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship was at Money In The Bank 2014. She felt that if there was anyone that was not getting a chance, it was Bray Wyatt. Carlie felt like it has always been about The Shield since their debut, and even after their split, the members of The Shield were focused on more while The Wyatt Family were left in the dark... figuratively and literally speaking. She was lost in her thoughts as she waited in line, unfortunately, Bray was called away from the fans and into the WWE creative room and the fans were turned away. Carlie was upset because this would mean that she wouldn't get to meet Bray. Her family wouldn't want to wait after the show to meet him. She could have complained, but she still could watch him when it came time for his match. She met up with her family and they found their seat, her mother asked her something, but Carlie was in her own little world and didn't hear her.

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