Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 18)

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Lost Soul, Now Found

Chapter Eighteen

Abigail didn't know what was going on, all she knew what that her knee was killing her. She didn't need a doctor to tell her that her knee was broken, she was already sure of that. The doctor left the room and Bray and Luke entered it briefly. Bray said something to Luke and then left. She was surprised and confused as she saw Bray and Luke together. They stood together talking and it seemed like nothing had happened.

"Luke?... What's going on?"

He smiled and sat down beside her.

"I'll explain it the best way that I can."

Despite the pain in her knee she managed to give him a smile.

"I talked to Bray."

"Oh... How did it go?"

"We talked and settled things. He apologized, he said he didn't understand the situation."

"Wait... Bray apologized? That's really not like him... Growing up, Bray was never the kind of guy that would apologize for anything."

"Times have changed."

"Where is he now?"

"Right outside, he's giving us a moment alone. Bray and I... We have the same goal, and that is to make sure that you are safe."

Abigail smiled at this. She liked the idea of having someone look after her. She was also satisfied with herself that she had stood up for herself by taking a chair to Dean's back. Luke was sitting beside her, she smiled and hugged him, he was finally starting to get used to having Abigail around again. He wrapped an arm around her and held her close as she spoke.

"Thanks for being here Luke, I'm so glad that you're here."

"He said that I could come back."

"Good, it can be like none of this ever happened."

"It feels so good Abigail... Now that Bray finally knows. Even Bray wasn't taking it as hard as I was taking it on myself... He told me that I have to forgive myself before I can find peace and happiness."

Abigail looked at him for a moment and placed a kiss on his cheek before speaking to him again.

"He's right Luke... You need to forgive yourself... You need to let go of what happened in the past, you can't change what happened in the past. What matters is the here and now. Please Luke... I want you to be happy. You need let go of the past and forgive yourself."

Luke nodded.

"It just hurt so much to lose you., It also upset me, Ambrose crossed the line. The same thing could have happened again. How is your knee?"

"The doctor went to go check an x-ray but I already know it's broken, I felt it pop when I fell."

Luke held his head down.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be... Ambrose just snuck up on me and freaked me out, he pushed me and my knee hit the steel steps. I tripped and twisted my knee as I fell and I felt the painful pop. I still somehow managed to take matters into my own hands when I swung that chair at his back. I wasn't going to be a victim, I swung that chair a few times until my knee gave out."

"I failed to protect you once, I'm not going to do it again. I'm not losing you again."

"You're really sweet Luke."

"Something Bray said is that you were upset with him because he sent me away. He said that you were... Attached to me. I must mean something to you... You already mean something to me."

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